Safari-Pinned-Tab.Svg's Horoscopes |



Born between:

The Moon enters your third house of communication, making for a pleasant, if not busy day. Short trips may bring much pleasure, so consider taking a day trip with loved ones. You'd be surprised at how many interesting places are just an hour or two away from your home. Even if you live in the most remote of areas, there is bound to be a beautiful spot for you to discover. Advantageous colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The changing Moon enters your fifth house of fun and pleasure, helping your creative juices to flow. Transformative Pluto will help you shine in social situations, so go ahead and say yes to invitations you receive for today. Spending time with your children or working on creative project will be rewarding. Those of you hoping for a romantic evening are likely to find love under the stars. Advantageous colours are amethyst purple and champagne. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
With the Moon entering Virgo and your ninth house of travel and adventure, it's time to try something new. Even if all you do is order something you haven't tried yet from your favourite restaurant, you need to expand your horizons a bit. Capricorn often takes comfort in the tried-and-true, but there is a part of you that longs for the excitement of change. Tonight will see that in spades! Advantageous colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 27.
A social challenge may present itself to you today. Friends and associates may be at war, calling on you to choose sides. You'll have to follow your heart on this one, Aquarius. You don't have to follow the old rules; in fact, if you do, you will be miserable. If you can't avoid the conflict, stick to your personal values like glue. They will serve you well. Advantageous colours are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The changing Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today, signalling time for a personal retreat. This is a good time to get extra sleep and avoid unnecessary socializing. Recharging your spiritual batteries is important, so do the things that help you regain your balance. A quiet evening at home without the television set or Internet will help you centre yourself. Advantageous colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The sociable Moon places the focus on your friendships today and this is one of the best days of the month to enjoy social activities. Those who are single may find love through a group or club you belong to, so be open to meeting new people. Working with others is especially gratifying. Consider getting a few friends together to do something constructive, such as picking up litter in your neighbourhood. Pluto promises and interesting night! Advantageous colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
The changing Moon enters your second house of personal finances, reminding you to tend to your accounts. You may be enjoying a temporary increase in cash flow as Mercury encourages others to be more generous towards you. Instead of spending money as fast as you receive it, try saving for a raining day. Sure, a new cashmere sweater would be lovely, but it won't collect interest. Advantageous colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
You should feel strong and ready to face the world as the luminous Moon glides through your first house of personality today. Your relationships are likely to be pleasant as both bright Mercury and affectionate Venus encourage harmony. Devote as much time as possible to your mate, best friend, or business partner today. Love and friendship thrive under these influences. Advantageous colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Despite the recent emphasis on public matters, the changing Moon makes you long for home, sweet home today. All the popularity in the world can't make up for being lonely at the end of the day. Many of you are in a state of relationship limbo as Pluto overhauls your closest relationships and the way your respond to intimate situations. Try to connect with your family for support. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
The changing Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, making it important for you to find a balance. This can be a romantic and magical time for you if you are allowed to shine. If you find you are under the control of a mate or partner who resents any attention you receive, you may need to rethink the relationship. A healthy relationship will make you feel good, not miserable. Advantageous colours are pale aqua and dusty rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The critical Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation, making some Archers more concerned with how the public sees them. Most Archers I know are refreshingly free of any self-conscious concerns, but you may feel the sting of self-scrutiny now. Just remember that no one notices you quite as much as you do... most people are too worried about themselves to care about how you are doing! Advantageous colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The changing Moon enters your sixth house of health and service, making today perfect for organizing your environment. Have you looked in your refrigerator lately? Throw out anything that is past a reasonable expiration date. Consider your eating habits lately: the act of nourishing your body should be sacred. Don't come to the temple with cakes and chips... bring fresh fruits and vegetables to your table! Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
Easy does it on the road today as cosmic powers clash with the emotional Moon. You certainly won't want to drive while you are upset, so make sure you have calmed down before you get behind the wheel. This evening, find ways to relax and release stress in a healthy manner. Love is in the stars for eligible Archers. Fortunate colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
The responsive Moon and unpredictable Uranus combine to create passion in your life today and you may have a difficult time controlling your reactions. Consider avoiding alcoholic beverages if you feel you may become overly emotional. A romantic evening with someone special could be very exciting and memorable. You'll have a way with words, but channel your energy wisely. Fortunate colours are amethyst purple and flame red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 42.
Today could be one of the most difficult days of the month for you as stern Saturn, erratic Uranus, and the emotional Moon play tug of war. Everyone and everything that is important to you will be clamouring for your attention; take a few deep breaths before you dive in. Make it through today and you can call this month a success! Fortunate colours are heather grey and crimson. Lucky numbers are 17 and 28.
A sudden change of plans is likely as the sensitive Moon clashes with a clutch of uncooperative planets. As much as you may want to hold on to the cash in your wallet, unexpected expenses could empty your coffers. If you can roll with the punches, today can be quite exciting and exhilarating for some. Intimate relationships are intense, but ultimately rewarding. Fortunate colours are army green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
Those in the healing professions may be dealing with an especially difficult case these days; this person or situation has much to teach you about life. Do your best to be helpful without being vulnerable. You can become drained easily by psychic vampires. Too many Pisces become martyrs, so keep a healthy measure of self-interest. Fortunate colours are dove grey and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 41 and 43.
Someone may challenge you as the emotional Moon clashes with a bevy of bolshy celestials. You might as well get used to this sort of thing as fantasy-prone Neptune will spend one more year changing the way you respond in your closest connections. Make good use of this energy by planning a romantic evening with your partner. Fortunate colours are bronze and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You may wish you had stayed in bed today when the Moon battles Saturn, Pluto and Uranus, making this a frustrating day. You can save the day with practical thinking, so don't allow others to confuse you. Keep a level head as you navigate your way, taking everything one step at a time. An erratic supervisor, teacher, or other authority figure may give you grief. Remember that two wrongs do not make a right! Tonight Venus is stimulated, so enjoy a sensual evening. Fortunate colours are celery green and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 35.
Emotional lightning could strike as the sensitive Moon clashes with stern Saturn; hang on to your hats on this anything-can-happen day. Obstructive Pluto adds to the witches brew of aspects today, so be prepared for some discomfort. Ultimately, you are face with a challenge or two in your personal life, but you are a Capricorn... of course you can handle it! Fortunate colours are camel and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 35 and 45.
Today is wonderful for socializing as the Moon continues to glide through your eleventh house of group interests. Getting together with friends for a celebration will be exciting, especially if you are celebrating something your partner has accomplished. In fact, your relationship with your mate, best friend, or business partner should be very satisfying now. Fortunate colours are emerald green and copper. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
The sensitive Moon and disgruntled planets clash, potentially causing disturbances. Whether you find nightmares wake you during the night or anxiety grips you during the day, today's energy is bound to be unnerving. Avoid foods you know have the potential to upset your stomach or keep you awake. By evening, you will be ready for the peace and quiet of your own space. Fortunate colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The moody Moon in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships may be the back light for a relationship drama today. You can't help the fact that you are growing and changing at warp speed... after all, this is the Age of Aquarius. Try to be more understanding of your less- enlightened loved ones. Fortunate colours are teal blue and tangerine orange. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The lively Moon activates your third house of communication, combining with chatty Mercury and dark Pluto and stimulating Uranus to create information overload. If you attend an important class or meeting, be sure to take notes. It will be all too easy to mix up messages under these influences, especially if you are taking any kind of medication. Go slowly and pay attention. Fortunate colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The emotional Moon activates Mars, your life-ruler in your tenth house of career and status, placing more pressure on you to perform during the next two days. The presence of unpredictable Uranus in your fifth house of romance, children and speculation may create a surprising outcome for you in this area, so if you feel the need to take a chance, now's the time. Favourable colours are basic black and mint green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The moody Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude today, making this a good time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Make time for rest and meditation so you can hear the small, still voice that often gets drowned out by the noise of everyday living. If you are having health problems, consider alternative therapies. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. Favourable colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The dramatic Moon lights up your eleventh house of friends and associates, activating passionate Mars. Friends may become lovers and lovers seem more like friends under these influences. Creativity is high, so those of you in artistic fields should take advantage of the visiting muse. Children's interests are highlighted. Favourable colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 17.
Problems at home may interfere with your job today. It may be that pressures at work are causing you to neglect your family; if this is the case, try to make time for your loved ones this afternoon. Many of you will find the emotional tension grows stronger as the day wears on. You may need to get some fresh air in order to repair your nerves. Make time for yourself this evening. Favourable colours are pearl white and seafoam green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 14.
The Moon enters Leo and your house of partners today, making a beautiful aspect with the Sun. Those of you who are unattached are likely to make quite an impression on someone as you may seem even more desirable than usual. You may find yourself attracted to those who make quite a splash themselves... just remember, love takes time. Favourable colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon passes through your eighth house, stirring up thoughts of the hereafter. You may or may not be at peace with the great cycle of life; if you are not at peace, it is time to review your beliefs and the feelings they are based upon. Witness the glory of the sunrise, flowers in bloom, children at play, old folks reminiscing, and the serenity of the sunset for your answers. Favourable colours are ebony and wine. Lucky numbers are 36 and 38.
It's time to check on your physical and mental health... when was the last time you had a physical examination? Have you been to the dentist in the past year? The Fish are famous for sacrificing self for others, but this often translates into poor health and dentures at an early age. Turn over a new leaf and be a bit more selfish from now own. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to help others. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The pace of life picks up as the Moon passes through Leo and your third house of communications. Traffic jams are likely this afternoon as planetary influences make many people confused and distracted, causing minor accidents and big delays. If it seems like you will never get your work done today, don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to catch up later this week. Favourable colours are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
The presence of the Moon in your ninth house of travel and adventure may have you running here and there today. You may want to sit down and plan your day before you leave the house; the more organized you can be, the better the day will go. In fact, the sooner you return home, the better. With bright Mercury in your fifth house of creativity and romance your powers of communication are all fired-up. Favourable colours are tan and maroon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 21.
The Moon lights up your fifth house of romance and pleasure, putting the emphasis on fun and games. The next two days are great for romance, so plan a special night on the town. Your friends will enjoy your company as you are the perfect compliment to them now. You may even find that a friendship is blossoming into something more. Favourable colours are pale gold and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
Try to find a balance while the Moon passes through your second house of personal finances. You may be giving away too much, whether it's your tangible or intangible valuables. Then again, this is a potentially spiritual time for you: just remember, you don't have to give away everything and join a convent to be cleansed. Favourable colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
With the luminous Moon sailing through your first house of personality, it's time to strut your stuff. Relationships and interactions with others are exciting as Mars lends a note of passion. Mercury's influence helps to turn your thoughts to the mysterious and sensual. You may turn more than a few heads on this smoky, seductive day. Favourable colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
With the Moon glowing in your first house of personality, you should be in your element. You can nurture, create and emote to your heart's content, and people will thank you for it. Sometimes people are frightened by your rich and potent emotional life, but the tears and laughter are the sunshine and rain that are so crucial to human growth and development. Make no excuses nor apologies for yours. Beneficial colours are raspberry and champagne. Lucky numbers are 28 and 46.
Meaningful coincidences, or synchronicity are everyday miracles. You may experience several today as the intuitive Moon blends well with active Mars, so be open to the miraculous in your life. It may be as simple as knowing who will call before the phone rings, but it could also be a series of events that leaves you breathless. Bless those around you and accept the blessings of the universe into your life. Beneficial colours are amethyst purple and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 24.
This a great day to get organized as the Moon activates your sixth house of health and service. There are few things more embarrassing than being asked for an important document or other item and not being able to find what should be readily available. See to it you know where everything is. Beneficial colours are cornflower blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
It may be time to pay more attention to your partner as the Moon sails through your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Your mate, business partner or best friend may need a little extra TLC, so don't be stingy with your affection. If you have been having a problem communicating with your closest associates, rest assured that improvement is just around the corner. Auspicious colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
You may feel rather haunted today, literally or figuratively. Dreams and visions may disturb you, but if you take the time to analyse them, you will find they are a great tool for personal and spiritual growth. Surround yourself with things and people that comfort you and avoid negative places. Everyone needs time to hide once in a while... it's time for you to be in your own safe, private place. Beneficial colours are ebony and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 29 and 45.
Daydreams can help you cope with reality today; a little fantasy and imagination will help spice up your life. A change of pace, or scenery will be good for you now. With the Moon passing through creative and nurturing Cancer, you may want to try something new in the kitchen. Experiment with an exotic recipe or try out a new restaurant that interests you. Beneficial colours are tangerine orange and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
With the Moon helping you to be a bit more footloose and carefree today, you might consider a day at the park or the beach. Leave your work for another day and enjoy the company of your favourite people. Better yet, gather everyone together for team sports or volunteer work, as today's aspects favour group efforts. Beneficial colours are pearl white and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 38 and 40.
The Moon continues to glide through your tenth house of status, so why not make a public appearance? Show the world just how together your life is now, regardless of how satisfied you are with the current status quo. Grab your partner, mate, or best friend, make yourself gorgeous and get out there! Beneficial colours are sapphire blue and tropical orange. Lucky numbers are 17 and 44.
Tap into your own intuitive wisdom while the Moon passes through your twelfth house of secrets; remembering your dreams will help you understand the workings of your inner mind. You might not feel like going out on the town tonight, but who says you have to go out in order to have a good time? Celebrate the end of the week in your own private way. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Today is a wonderful day to spend with family, especially if you have a common goal in mind. Get together to paint a house, work on a child's science project, or any type of activity that is best when done as a team. Being productive is good for your soul today, so don't spend the day in front of the television. If the weather is fine, find a project you can do outdoors. Get busy! Beneficial colours are desert sand and forest green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
Enjoy the day's lighthearted mood. Lunch with a neighbour or sibling should lift your spirits and you'll be appreciated for your warmth and support. This afternoon could prove to be quite busy, so try to pace yourself. Tonight is wonderful for getting together with friends... perhaps a neighbourhood barbeque or community event will appeal to you Beneficial colours are canary yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
If you have time on your hands, spend it making some home improvements today. Even small things such as dusting ceiling fans and cleaning windows will help make you feel proud of your environment. Spending more time with your family members will also help to strengthen bonds. A project that everyone can contribute to can help bring you closer. Beneficial colours are baby blue and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The Moon enters sensitive, nurturing Cancer today, lighting up your house of health and service. If you have the day off today, tend to your physical and mental well-being. Eat light and healthy foods that will help cleanse your system. No matter what your physical shape, find an activity that will get your blood circulating. Today is for worshipping the temple of your body! Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
Once the changing Moon enters Cancer and your third house of communication, you may feel like you have caught a second wind. Just when you are trying to relax it seems the phone won't stop ringing off the hook; just when you are trying to go to sleep it seems that your mind won't quiet. Skip caffeinated beverages during the afternoon to keep your body on schedule. Auspicious colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The intuitive Moon enters your eighth house of sex, power and money today, urging you to dig below the surface. You may have deep thoughts to contend with... just don't let yourself get depressed over the inevitable death and taxes. This is a good time to connect with your partner as intimacy can help express the feelings you cannot find words for. Auspicious colours are blackberry and bronze. Lucky numbers are 18 and 39.
The Moon enters Cancer today, stimulating your loving nature. Those with children will enjoy spending time with them today; make an ordinary day a special occasion with your natural creativity. Love can be found in many places; visit the old folks, take a walk with a lover, or volunteer to play with the animals at your local animal shelter. Auspicious colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
Spending time with friends and family should be enjoyable as the Moon enters cosy Cancer today - slow down and savour the moment. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself because life's too short to waste on people you can never satisfy. You can choose your own tribe, and blood ties are not a requirement.... Auspicious colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
The Moon drifts through hearth-loving Cancer and your fourth house of home and family, making you glad to be home at last this evening. If you're entertaining at home everything should run smoothly; your place will be a warm, cosy haven. Surround yourself with your loved ones and enjoy everything you have been working so hard for. Auspicious colours are dove grey and teal. Lucky numbers are 29 and 34.
You might be feeling a bit of pressure now that the Moon is passing through your tenth house of career and reputation; all eyes are upon you as you make your way today. Those in positions of authority over you could be exceptionally demanding and emotional, but you may be fortunate enough to have a caring boss who is prepared to help you with personal issues. Auspicious colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Today should get off to a positive start as the Moon continues her journey through your eleventh house of friendships. Later in the day, the changing Moon enters Cancer and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. It may be hard to express yourself, as it seems the words are on the tip of your tongue but just won't come out the way you want them to. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
After a slow start you should have a second wind when the Moon enters your first house of personality. In fact, you may have so much energy that it'll be hard to fall asleep tonight. Avoid caffeine ( including chocolate) and stimulating activity after the sun sets. Try taking a warm bath about an hour before bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep. Auspicious colours are ruby red and pure white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Many Scorpions will be flying the friendly skies during this time frame; don't let thick traffic and flight delays ruin your mood. It should be easy to look at life as a great adventure while the Moon is passing through your ninth house of travel and adventure, but it'll also be easy to become overly emotional when schedules are changed and things don't work out quite as planned. Auspicious colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 20 and 21.
Love is in the air as the tender Moon passes through Cancer and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships; you may even be overwhelmed by emotion as Pluto is stimulated in your sign. If you are in a committed relationship, stay home and enjoy simple pleasures tonight. If you are single and looking, you might just meet someone who rocks your world. Beneficial colours are baby blue and powder pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Twins often have surprisingly conservative values, and you are reminded of this as the Moon moves through Cancer and your second house of personal finances and values. You may be tempted to spend money on your family during this time frame, so why not do some shopping this evening? It's easy to feel generous. Auspicious colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
You need to hit the ground running as your day gets under way; the Moon's presence in your tenth house of career and status shines the spotlight on your achievements today. Financial partnerships flourish, but bosses are likely to be very demanding. Those you have been kind to are sure to repay you with support and gratitude in the not-too-distant future. Relax this evening with a cool drink and a romantic movie. Advantageous colours are sapphire blue and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 35 and 37.
You never know who you might meet when you go out this afternoon; you might want to tidy up before you leave the house even if you don't feel like it. There is nothing worse than a chance meeting with an old flame when you haven't bothered to change out of soiled clothing. Advantageous colours are avocado green and bark brown. Lucky numbers are 43 and 46.
Even love at first sight is possible, Leo, but remember that such heady feelings usually fade with time. Those of you who have a significant other should consider doing something spontaneous now. Even if you have 2.4 children and a lawn to mow, you need to do something unplanned on occasion. Advantageous colours are golden amber and ebony. Lucky numbers are 44 and 45.
Control issues are likely as the Moon battles Jupiter and the Sun opposes Saturn today. People in authority are bound to be inflexible and demanding, so keep a low profile. A boss who is offering encouragement one moment could be letting the guillotine fly the next. You may have to fight for ideas you believe in, but this will be your challenge for some time to come as revolutionary Uranus and conservative Saturn do battle. Advantageous colours are fern green and jet black. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
The balance of power under your roof can be restored, but tread carefully. You may be surprised at how the simple act of trying to see another's point of view can improve relationships. Spending time at home with your favourite person will be rewarding. Your spirituality and depth of perception increase during this transit. Advantageous colours are cinnabar and coffee brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Now that the life-giving Sun is moving through Aries and your seventh house of marriage and partnership, the focus turns to your most significant relationships. This also includes those whom you compete with, so be prepared for a somewhat stressful few weeks. By listening more than you speak, you can respond constructively. Partners will be obstreperous, so to get your way, make it seem like it was your partner's idea. Advantageous colours are ruby red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 9 and 7.
You may wake up remembering a vivid dream that won't leave your mind; consult a dream dictionary or dream analysis site if you need help understanding the language of your sleeping mind. You can impress your friends and family with your psychic senses today. Advantageous colours are ocean blue and pearl white. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
Those of you who experience a psychic sense may find it working overtime in unpredictable ways. With both the intuitive Moon and conduit Uranus in your psychic houses, you may find spontaneous messages from the universe coming out of nowhere. Even the radio has a way of playing just the right song at just the right moment, making you stop and think. Pay attention to any dreams you have this evening. Advantageous colours are sunset pink and tropical orange. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
Today clips along at a lively pace as the Moon glides through your first house of personality. It'll be easier for you to persuade others, so take advantage of this energy. Seductive Venus may have you making eyes at someone from far away, even if it is only a distant cubicle. Flirt and charm your way through the day and enjoy every minute of it! Advantageous colours are daisy white and bark brown. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
The Sun in Aries is battling Saturn, your life-ruler, so the need to make a new start with the conflicting demands of home life and career responsibilities is paramount. This is a classic opposition between the forces of progress and the conservative powers that prefer traditional ways of doing things. You are caught in the middle here and should choose your words carefully. Grandiose schemes are not what they seem, so remember, if it seems too good to be true, it almost certainly is! Advantageous colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
The shining Sun in Aries opposes serious Saturn in your seventh house of significant others today, Rams. This house aids your partners, but also puts pressure on you from competitors. And with the Moon battling Jupiter in your house of secrets, it's likely to be a long day. One in which the Powers that Be are likely to be rather uncooperative. Advantageous colours are blue sapphire and reddish apricot. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
It's hard to make sense of things today, Aquarius. You may make others jealous or inspire opposition, but don't let that keep you down. If you try to repress your natural energy and enthusiasm, you won't be able to reach your fullest potential. Express yourself in the way you are most comfortable with, but resist the urge to throw money at the problem, as that may start a conflagration which burns up more than you'd anticipated. Advantageous colours are violet and bronze. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
There'll be plenty of gossip going around today; keep in mind much of it is likely to be greatly exaggerated. As the day progresses, brilliant ideas may come to you out of the blue. However, you may have so many thoughts spinning around your head that it is nearly impossible to follow any of them. Keep pen and paper with you so that you can write down anything you may want to explore later. Favourable colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Spending quality time with your partner will work in your favour as the Moon passes through your seventh house of partnerships. By this evening, passions rise as the changing Moon enters your eighth house of sex, money, and power. Scorpions may be feeling rather randy as the focus shifts to the sensual and mysterious. Enjoy yourself behind closed doors. Favourable colours are cornflower blue and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
You may have a lot to take care of this morning, but by evening you should be ready to party. The changing Moon enters sociable Gemini and your eleventh house of friends and associates, giving you the urge to get out with your pals tonight. Singles among you may meet someone especially dreamy as passionate Mars adds a romantic keynote to the night. Favourable colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
After a busy day tending to chores, the Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. It's time to spend time with those you are the closest to; they may not be the easiest for you to get along with, but they are critical to your success and your survival. The next two days favour communicating with your partner about ways to improve your joint interests. Favourable colours are pale aqua and soft coral. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The changing Moon enters your sixth house of health and service today, making your physical, spiritual, and mental health the focus of the next two days. Make an effort to eat healthy, nutritious foods and drink the recommended eight glasses of water today. Gentle stretching exercises such as Yoga or Pilates will help you get in shape, clear your mind, and improve your posture. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
Spend an extra hour in bed if you can this morning, because by afternoon you will need all your energy. The changing Moon activates your tenth house of career and reputation today, giving you an opportunity to put in some overtime. Financial secrets may come out while you're working on something unrelated. Favourable colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
It's time to pack up your troubles and look on the bright side of life. The Moon lights up your fifth house of romance and pleasure, so go with the flow. Spending time with children can be pleasurable; they help us stay in touch with our own sense of wonder. Your upbeat mood should be contagious; even if you are down, you will find it easier to smile today. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
The day may start off with a bang as friends and associates continue to call, but by evening you're ready to spend some time alone. The changing Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude this evening, urging you to spend a quiet night recharging your spiritual batteries. If you must attend a social function, you may find it is easier to listen to others than to say much yourself. Favourable colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
By early evening the changing Moon will be sailing through your first house of personality and it's time to make a social comeback. Say 'yes' to invitations, even if you're feeling low this morning. By evening, you will be ready to charm and entertain again. You'll especially enjoy doing something new or attending a cultural event as Mars pushes you forward. Favourable colours are bright red and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Today may start off with a bang, but it will end with you enjoying the comforts of home. You may be ready to curl up in your favourite sofa for the rest of the day once the Moon enters your fourth house of home and family. Your intuitive powers are peaking now, so listen to what your heart and gut have to say. Ignore what your rational mind says and go with how you feel. Favourable colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
You should have plenty of energy as a lively mood prevails today. The changing Moon enters your second house of finances, giving some Bulls the itch to go on a shopping spree. If you think spending money on status symbol items will make others think more highly of you, save your cash. It may be tempting to try to keep up with the Jones's, but in the end it is who you are and not what you have that will impress others. Favourable colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
A brighter, lighter mood descends as the changing Moon enters Gemini and your ninth house of travel and adventure. Serious intentions about the future some into play, especially if your partner has anything to say about it. Now you can be more positive about the future, as well as taking a more realistic position. However, you may have a hard time concentrating as the promise of adventure beckons. Favourable colours are army green and golden khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
Now that the life-giving Sun is in Aries and your fifth house of romance and creativity, you can look forward to a few weeks of play. Sports and outdoor activities should be especially enjoyable for the nature-loving Archer, so get out there and catch some air! Even if it has been years since you rode a bicycle, you can still take a long walk in the park. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are champagne and bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
The life-giving Sun enters energetic Aries and your second house of personal finances, making this an industrious time. You should at least have more energy to get things done, even under pressure. With unpredictable Uranus in your sign and confusing Neptune lurking in your twelfth house of secrets, you may have been feeling a bit uneasy. The Sun will help give you the courage of your convictions. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are cherry red and coffee brown. Lucky numbers are 2 and 40.
Now that the life-giving Sun is in your sixth house of health and service, the focus is on improving yourself and helping others. It'll be easier to pay closer attention to your nutrition and you'll have more energy for exercise. Relationships with co-workers may become more active as the emphasis turns to your work environment and your responsibilities to others. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are clear blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 14.
The life-giving Sun enters Aries, marking the beginning of your birthday month. As the days go by, you should feel your old vim and vigour coming back. The days before your birthday may be a time for quiet reflection. Allow yourself to end the old year by taking care of unfinished business and allowing the past to get behind you. A bright new year is waiting for you! More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are ruby red and gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
As the Sun strides into Aries at the Equinox, you may be under pressure to perform like a super hero as you try to work miracles behind the scenes. Of course this is flattering, but even the stalwart Bull needs assistance at times. It's a good day for achieving long term goals, especially in speculative ventures, so keep a slow and steady pace and do not let the expectations of others rattle you. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are cinnabar and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
The life-giving Sun enters your eleventh house of friends and associates and will spend the next month giving a boost to your social life. Now is the time for you to make new connections, especially through travel and educational pursuits. Friends you make now have the power to change your life. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are golden amber and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 28.
The life-giving Sun enters Aries and your tenth house, placing the focus on your career and status during the next month. You'll have more opportunities to be in the public eye and show what a strong leader you really are. After all, Cancer is one of the cardinal signs, making you the sort of person who can get things done. You may speak gently and have a soft heart, but you are also an executive by nature. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are brick red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
The Equinox brings the Sun to fiery Aries and your third house of communication, so you will find yourself becoming increasingly busy. If you are in business for yourself, be prepared to work non stop! This is also a good time to reconnect with your siblings and neighbours. Set aside an hour each day to return phone calls, send email, and just plain shoot the breeze. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are lemon yellow and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Now that the life-giving Sun is in Aries and your seventh house of marriage and partnership, the focus turns to your most significant relationships. This also includes those whom you compete with, so be prepared for a somewhat stressful month. By listening more than you speak, you can respond in a more educated, constructive way. To get your way, make it seem like it was your partner's idea. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 7 and 27.
The Sun slips into Aries and your ninth house of travel and adventure, urging you to seek new horizons. You'll have more energy this month for educational and legal pursuits, so make plans in these areas. Your thoughts may turn to religion, philosophy and the Meaning of Life but unfortunately, with Mars heating things up in your sign, you may not have time for pondering your existence. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are maroon and tropical orange. Lucky numbers are 9 and 38.
The life-giving Sun will spend the next few weeks passing through Aries and your eighth house of sex, money, and power. Many of you will be feeling a bit wild and woolly during this transit, but you will be more aware of the psychological patterns of others. Thoughts often turn to the secrets of life and death while the Sun is in the realms of mystery. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 28.
Plan for for home improvements while the life-giving Sun lights up your fourth house of home and family at the Equinox. This includes your psychological home as well as your physical one, so don't neglect your soul. You may want to start by cleaning out your closet. When the nooks and crannies of your house are in order, it is easier to pay attention to the needs of your heart. More about the Equinox! Fortunate colours are blue green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
The Moon remains in your eighth house of sex, money, and power adding intensity to the day. Even activities involving children and creative endeavours can take on an edgy tone, sending out shockwaves. It won't pay to be impulsive and spontaneous today; even lovers could get way out of hand. Take it slow and easy. Beneficial colours are blood red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 27 and 45.
Strive to be in control of your finances as the Moon moves through your second house of finances today. Even if you have the urge to spend money to show the world how fabulously successful you are, you should keep a tight reign on your pocketbook. Hopefully curbing your expenditures is a personal choice and not a necessity. Beneficial colours are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
The Moon in Taurus chafes against Uranus and Saturn, increasing the potential for misunderstandings. You may also find yourself becoming more emotional than usual; little things seem to set you off without warning. Use this time to understand your subconscious mind better. Pay attention to the cues around you for greater spiritual healing. Beneficial colours are banana yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
You may feel like tearing your hair out but relax; by tomorrow things will be much better. It's just that the Moon is still in Taurus, clashing with Uranus and Saturn today. Pay attention to your moods and you may learn something about yourself. Chances are good that the things that frustrate you simply remind you of past frustrations. Step back for now. Beneficial colours are ocean blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 16 and 41.
Although the Moon is passing through your fifth house of pleasure, Venus is encouraging you to stay close to home. You may want to enjoy simple, quiet pleasures that help soothe your soul. Many of you will be going out to buy flowers and other *I'm Sorry* gifts to make up for any angry moments you have experienced lately. Beneficial colours are violet and peach. Lucky numbers are 26 and 48.
Pay attention to your health as the Moon moves through Taurus and your sixth house of health and service today. It could be time for a check up, so make an appointment with your physician. Nervous tension could be leading you into bad habits that will undermine your health. If you feel stressed out, reach for your athletic shoes instead of a double martini and you'll be happy with the results. Beneficial colours are coal black and coin silver. Lucky numbers are 41 and 42.
Some Scorpions may be dealing with the emotional stress of a lawsuit or marital difficulties, making today's aspects harder to bear. Angry, frustrated feelings may threaten to overwhelm you, but remember that you are a Scorpion! The power of the Phoenix will help you rise from the ashes. Beneficial colours are brick red and tan. Lucky numbers are 25 and 31.
A sudden change of plans may rock you as the fluctuating Moon, stressed out Sun and unpredictable Uranus clash today. With Mercury under pressure too, the stress may cause you a bit of an upset stomach, so avoid food and drink you know will cause you grief. Those of you who are travelling for business purposes will be mighty frustrated indeed. Take some time out for yourself this evening. Beneficial colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
The stressed out Sun is under pressure from the Moon in the leadup to the Equinox, so control the sudden outbursts and be prepared to compromise, especially with women in the career environment or in public life. Your friends and family won't mind your dramatic expressions, but remember that colleagues, officials and superiors may not be so understanding. Beneficial colours are basic black and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
If you've been troubled lately, now is the time to seek a friend's counsel. Even just a little tea and sympathy will be nice, so plan to have lunch with someone simpatico. Everyone needs to spend a little time with someone who won't judge them; Cancer is often wonderful at giving this sort of unconditional affection but often has a harder time seeking it out. Accept a little TLC... you need it now. Beneficial colours are clear blue and creamy white. Lucky numbers are 41 and 42.
Unexpected upsets may trip you up today, but what you may not realize is that you unconsciously orchestrated some of these events. As the Moon idles through your twelfth house of subconscious matters, you may find both your need for, and fear of change, coming into conflict. Take a deep breath and stay in low gear while your energies are at a low ebb. Beneficial colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon travels through Taurus and your first house of personality today, helping you to get into high gear. You'll have extra charm, so don't hesitate to ask for what you want. Express yourself with confidence, even in the face of opposition. There may be hurdles to overcome, but with classic Taurean persistence, you can reach your goals. Beneficial colours are cranberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The Moon enters Taurus and your house of home and family today, making you feel less sociable. You could certainly use a break after the past few days of bustling activity. If you don't feel well, it may simply be that you have become over stimulated and need time to wind down. It's a perfect day to work from home, but if that isn't possible, stay low key at the office. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 15.
The changing Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to slow down today. It's time to recharge your spiritual and emotional batteries. Normally social Twins should turn down invitations from friends and associates and concentrate on solitary activities instead. The sound of peace and quiet may be just what you need for the next two days. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and coin silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
If you wake up feeling low this morning, rest assured you will feel emotionally refreshed by the time the Moon enters your first house of personality this afternoon. Energy returns as feisty Mars is stimulated by the moody Moon, giving you the energy you need to accomplish your goals. Take care not to push too hard at home. Auspicious colours are ruby red and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 12 and 10.
The changing Moon enters your second house of personal finances, placing the focus on money today. As Moon squares Mars, it may seem as though both your income and your debt are increasing rapidly. Make a strong effort to control your impulse buying when the urge to shop strikes you. Auspicious colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The friendly Moon glides through your eleventh house of friends and associates, helping you to enjoy a more social mood today. You feel more confident when meeting new people, so hold your head high and smile. Some of you will find old friendships ending due to matters beyond your control while others will find new friendships popping up like daisies. Auspicious colours are sparkling green and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
You'll be able to cut to the chase as the changing Moon enters your third house of communication. Good news may be coming your way; at the very least it'll be much easier to talk to people and deal with situations that normally stress you out. Reach out to your siblings and neighbours now -- share tea and conversation with someone special this afternoon. Auspicious colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
Yesterday's passions give way to today's dreams and plans for the future as the moody Moon enters your ninth house of travel, adventure, and education. Glamorous Neptune adds a note of mystery and intrigue to foreign people and places, urging you to sample other cultures, but take what you hear with a grain of salt. You may find everything you believe changing as you move forward in your experiences. Auspicious colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 37.
A positive vibe between you and your mate, partner or best friend can contribute to good feelings today. It's easier to be generous and tolerant of your partner while the nurturing Moon moves through your seventh house of partnerships. A long talk tonight should help clear up any problems you have been having lately. Auspicious colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon clashes with over-confident Jupiter as it activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. This may put quite a damper on your mood, but rest assured it will pass quickly. Those of you trying to secure a loan may be better off waiting for a few days. Difficulties in romance, with children and creative projects may frustrate you today. Auspicious colours are wine red and panther black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
You may be feeling hopeful about a job prospect or promotion and chances are good you will be seeing improvement in your status soon. Authority figures are more likely to be generous towards you as the changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation, so take advantage of this opportunity. Auspicious colours are heather grey and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
A rocky start to the day will be forgotten by the time the Moon enters your fifth house of pleasure. Enjoy and relax, don't get pressured by others. Luck may be yours tonight, even if you are not the type to take a gamble. The Tibetans have a saying: You never know when you are having good luck. Auspicious colours are amethyst purple and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
The day may begin on a breezy note, but by afternoon you will need to take care of many responsibilities. With Jupiter under pressure, you may have more than your share while Mars kicks up dust, but you will also have an opportunity to be recognized for all the work you do. Be aware of a tendency to overeat while the nurturing Moon prescribes food as comfort. Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Some Bulls may have a hard time getting out from under the covers today; sleep late if that is what your body is telling you to do. Many of you will have strange and confusing dreams during this time frame... write them down for analysis later. This is a day for quiet pursuits and pleasures, so don't expect or demand too much of yourself. Messages you receive in days ahead may be very subtle, or contain hidden meanings meant only for your understanding. Advantageous colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Many Geminians will find that friends and associates are hot- tempered, as the restless Moon glides through impatient Aries today. Lively debates are likely and much can be accomplished while this fiery energy lasts. However, keep personal discussions out of the office, as you are likely to be misunderstood. Mercury skips into Aries, so don't forward any cheeky emails at work! Advantageous colours are cornflower blue and dollar green. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
You may need to step around touchy superiors as those in authority are likely to be bombastic now. Ugly scenes may happen in public view, but you can easily steer clear of them. Forewarned is forearmed, so bite your tongue and count to ten when the unreasonable demands of others make you want to scream. Advantageous colours are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 28.
Anyone standing in your way is likely to be flattened as the emotional Moon meets up with popular Venus in your first house of personality. Mercury joins them in Aries in the afternoon, so whatever you express will come across with a great deal of power and charm. Remember that there are other people in the world with needs, too. What may seem perfectly normal to you may seem over the top to someone with less fire. Advantageous colours are blossom pink and copper. Lucky numbers are 6 and 37.
The passing Moon dances with Venus in your fifth house of pleasure, making your drives intense. Anything you do will be done with gusto as emotions increase in passion. Some may have romantic opportunities of a light-hearted nature as Mercury lends a keynote. Those of you involved in creative projects will make progress under today's influences. Advantageous colours are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 24.
The emotional Moon may contribute intensity to heated debates between you and your closest associates. Those Librans involved in competition will be especially driven to win, as it seems your very life depends upon it. As volatile as today's energy might be, you can put it to good use by tackling a project with someone you enjoy working with. Legal or other consultations are in the wind. Advantageous colours are salmon pink and steel grey. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The emotional Moon moves through your eighth house of sex, money and power today, causing some of you to feel your passions rising. It may be nearly impossible for you to keep your emotions on an even keel, but if you step back from each situation you will at least be able to maintain self-control. Romantic relationships may become veritable infernos of love under this transit. You'll be drawn to information and ideas for research and investigation projects, or for surgical procedures. Advantageous colours are claret and champagne. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
The Moon moves through feisty Aries and your third house of communications today and you may be ready to give someone a piece of your mind. Choose your words carefully, however... this could be the showdown at the OK Corral, so you don't want to show your hand prematurely. You have a chance to recruit others to your side now; make the most of your opportunities. Advantageous colours are butter yellow and clear blue. Lucky numbers are 22 and 23.
The presence of the responsive Moon and luxury loving Venus in your second house of personal finances may turn you into a real go-getter today; if you put your mind to it, you can achieve a lot. You may be uncharacteristically possessive during this transit, so resist the urge to bite someone's head off if they come to close to what is yours. The same holds true for your personal values, which you'll need to discuss or perhaps reassess in weeks to come. Advantageous colours are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
The Moon in impatient Aries could contribute to a case of indigestion for you today. Uncooperative co-workers and surly customers may have you ready to scream. A brisk walk around the building may help you release stress hormones as they seem to build endlessly throughout the day.Whether or not your focus is on employment, you need to be more concerned with organization, methods, and planning. Advantageous colours are flame red and sunny yellow. Lucky numbers are 13 and 23.
Lively Leo is practically on fire with enthusiasm as the Moon blends with Venus and Merc dives into Aries. This is an excellent day to be among others. Your natural ability to entertain is enhanced, while a sense of excitement prevails. It would be a shame for you to hide yourself away from the rest of the world. If you are currently home bound, find a simpatico group to chat with online! Advantageous colours are cherry red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 42 and 47.
Discord at home may add to the pressure you face now; it seems that both the world and your family are conspiring against you. Of course you know that isn't true, but you may be supersensitive as the Moon activates your fourth house of home and family. You may need to find some time for yourself, preferably in a natural setting. Take a walk in the park or sit outside in your own backyard. Fortunate colours are pale green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
The Moon moves through your fifth house of pleasure, urging you to indulge in a bit of playtime. Your body actually needs a certain amount of recreation every day, and it seems you haven't been getting your quota. Spending time with your children, or working on a creative project is also good medicine. If you are romantically involved, expect passion this evening! Fortunate colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
You may find yourself in a subservient position today as the Moon activates your sixth house of service to others. As long as the work you are doing provides satisfaction for you, you shouldn't mind. If, however, you find yourself in a position of forced obligation with very little reward, the vengeful Scorpion may have a hard time concealing poisonous venom. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The Moon flies through feisty Aries and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, turning the spotlight on your most meaningful relationships. You may find that your partner needs your attention and if your attention is not forthcoming, he or she may get decidedly testy. Home is where the heart is, and trouble is a-brewing. Bring joy and lightheartedness to your partnership now by letting your creativity flow. Fortunate colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Your mood may grow increasingly intense as the Moon moves through your eighth house of sex, power and money today. You'll feel passionate about everything, which may come as a surprise to those who think of you as generally calm and analytical. Do not expect non-traditional approaches to work well today. If you're in a comfortable intimate relationship, now is the time to draw the curtains and make the ceiling shake. Fortunate colours are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon pushes and pulls with the other planetary energies, testing your strength on this busy day. It seems the phone won't stop ringing, full of complaints of course! You are required to be here, there, and everywhere all at the same time. Recruit neighbours, friends, and siblings to help you get everything done. Why do everything yourself when you can delegate? Fortunate colours are peacock blue and cream. Lucky numbers are 14 and 31.
The Moon sails through your first house of personality today, boosting your energy. The next two days will find you champing at the bit, determined to accomplish your goals. Don't allow your fiery drive to get in the way of good manners. Even if you are forced to deal with idiots, you must try to be diplomatic and calm. It will be all too easy to go ballistic because of delays and mix-ups. Fortunate colours are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 13.
You'll be more enthusiastic about trying new things as the Moon moves through your ninth house of travel, education, and adventure. This is a wonderful time to be open to meeting new people and going new places and your positive attitude will be contagious. However, some of you may be dealing with issues of fear and prejudice. Take a deep breath and vow to let go of fear of the unknown. Fortunate colours are army green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 31.
Many Cancerians will be working overtime at their responsibilities whether they are employed or not. It seems that everyone is depending on you, but that some are taking you for granted. You can make a lot of progress in your career now, but make sure that other people are aware of your efforts. Humble Crabs are often shy about broadcasting their achievements, but it's time to call attention to all your hard work. Fortunate colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Most Twins will experience increased energy as the Moon activates the eleventh house of friends and associates. You'll be more in the mood for lunch with co-workers and friendly chitchat than you were yesterday. In fact, some of your colleagues have terrific ideas for the future. Some good news may have come overnight, for you to make the most of. Fortunate colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Find ways to soothe your soul and refresh your spirit as your lunar low cycle affects your spirits. With the Moon in strife with dark Pluto and stern Saturn, it's time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Get out the candles and aroma therapy oils! Avoid watching upsetting newscasts. Create a ritual that will help soothe you when your energies are at a low ebb. Fortunate colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
The urge to spend money may hit you over the next two days as the Moon glides through your second house of personal finances. Impulse buys are almost irresistible; you may have to avoid retail stores entirely. If you are tempted to shop on the Internet, try placing your credit cards in a glass of water in your freezer. You'll have to wait until they thaw before you buy anything, giving you a chance to reconsider! Fortunate colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Stay straight and keep your head down, Goats, then all will be well. With the nurturing Moon blending with loving Venus tonight in your fourth house of home and family, you can enjoy warm feelings under your own roof. Even relationships that are normally tense will be smoothed over by this energy; take advantage of this potential truce. Take pride and pleasure in your home, whether you live in a one-room apartment or a palatial mansion. Home is what you make of it. Advantageous colours are sea green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 33 and 42.
Today's New Moon will give you an opportunity to re-establish your reputation in the community. Despite the efforts of someone who seems to be working against you, a surprising chance to prove you are both responsible and creative is forthcoming. In truth, whoever is giving you the most trouble is also teaching you the most about yourself now. Look into the mirror a little more closely. Favourable colours are charcoal black and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 19.
Today's New Moon may mark the beginning of a very passionate time for you in love. Others may find that a sudden development comes to a head in your financial life. Payment of debts, or debt collection are other concerns. Work on skills to make you more independent. Spend the next week listening rather than speaking. You'll know where you stand and make better decisions if you pay close attention to what is said as well as what goes unspoken. Favourable colours are aubergine and copper. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
Today's New Moon in sociable Pisces may mark the beginning of greater understanding and awareness for you, especially in relationships with your siblings and neighbours. You may not see any progress at first, but you should have the opportunity to air your views soon. Your own opinions may be in the process of changing, so don't take a strong stance unless you are prepared to eat your words. Favourable colours are earth brown and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 41 and 48.
Today's New Moon gives you the opportunity to join groups and meet new people. Birds of a feather really do flock together, so join a club or class that appeals to you. However, tonight the restless Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to slow down. You may need to get extra rest if you have been burning the candle at both ends. Favourable colours are avocado green and copper. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
Today's New Moon is likely to be the most romantic and pleasant of the year, as new creative doorways open in your consciousness. Romantic encounters are likely to be ever so ego-boosting, rather than demanding an emotional commitment. If you have children, you are likely to be proud as punch. However, should your creative projects be criticized, or romance become difficult, sorrows and suffering arise more from a bruised ego than a broken heart. Favourable colours are lavender and copper. Lucky numbers are 19 and 42.
Today's New Moon gives you a sudden opportunity to change the way you handle your finances. Often money is the farthest thing from your mind, but if you are to achieve some of your goals and dreams, you'll need at least a little bit of the green stuff. It seems that for the Water Bearer, it's giving your time and talent that make your resources multiply. Find something you can work on with passion and you will make your fortune. Favourable colours are coin silver and glittering gold. Lucky numbers are 38 and 47.
Today's New Moon occurs in your fourth house of home and family, giving you an opportunity to make positive changes in these areas. You may have to change the way your respond to those you live with, especially if you insist on responding to them as though they were your parents. Of course, if they are your parents, it may be time to break free. Do it gently. Favourable colours are pearl white and blue green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 22.
Today's New Moon will allow you a new start in personal relationships. Personal soul searching and analysing your past has been painful, but it has also opened the way for deeper connections. You may be afraid to take the next step, but it really is the right time. Even if all you do is say hello to a co-worker you don't know well but would like to get to know better, you have made progress. Favourable colours are spring green and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 43 and 48.
Today's New Moon in Pisces is your very own New Moon. Your charm is at the max and your communicative powers are shining even more brightly than ever, so you will be able to clear every hurdle placed before you. Plan your strategy and carry it out before the Full Moon in two weeks, when all your gambles will begin to pay off. Favourable colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Today's New Moon brings opportunities through higher education and travel. Sudden or unexpected developments may make these opportunities a challenge. If you are stuck in a dead end job, enrolling in school now will help you break free. For some Cancerians, moving to a new town, state or country may be just what you need. Favourable colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
Today's New Moon may require you to confront your fears. Perhaps foreign ideas and cultures make you uncomfortable; if this is the case, you need to ask yourself why. Some of you may be apprehensive about continuing your education, but that is all the more reason for you to do so. It is time to face your fears and rise to the challenges your life presents. Favourable colours are sunset pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
Today's New Moon gives you an opportunity to improve your physical and mental health. It seems that the universe is trying to send you a message, whether it's through meaningful coincidence or through dreams and realizations. Try to take a few deep breaths and soak in the information you are receiving. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
You may be feeling an epiphany coming on -- no matter how many times you have been reborn spiritually, it's always nice to feel new again. With tomorrow's New Moon urging a new start in romance, you may be ready for something completely different this time around. Follow your heart and see where it leads.... Beneficial colours are forest green and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
You may feel as if your life is in suspended animation at the moment, but be glad of it. There are fortunate aspects bringing valuable information and you should be in no hurry to deal with it while the Moon moves through your twelfth house of subconscious matters. Spend time reviewing the events of the past month, so that you may make the needful decisions about your future goals. Remember that history (and herstory) has a tendency to repeat itself unless you learn from it. Beneficial colours are pearl white and sea green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
You can be a star in the public eye today, as bright Mercury holds court in your tenth house of career and reputation. Your creative powers will be evident to others, especially those you work under. This is a wonderful evening to go out if you are concerned with your social status. You can climb up a rung or two on the social ladder just by being visible tonight. Beneficial colours are forest green and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
Striking news will affect your hopes and wishes, and your friends have some brilliant ideas that will be a big help to you in coming days. Listen to what they have to say. Today is also a wonderful day for love, so those of you who have been going through growing pains in a relationship will find you can have a breakthrough. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings; let them out gradually to avoid an explosion. Beneficial colours are buttercup yellow and chestnut brown. Lucky numbers are 8 and 29.
Passions that have been lying dormant for some time may be stirred. Fantasy and imagination play an important role as the Moon dons her Pisces face; you may even find yourself experiencing psychic phenomena at tomorrow's New Moon. Those of you involved in romantic relationships will find the heat is turned up tonight... the differences between you are likely to ignite a mighty spark. Beneficial colours are burgundy and gold. Lucky numbers are 12 and 45.
You may receive kudos from your superiors or important people in your community, as the Moon blends with Jupiter to encourage rewards and favourable news from afar. This has been a wonderful year for personal growth and will continue to be as Jupiter transits your ninth house. Crabs who think they've had a bad year career-wise, listen up: Sometimes losing a job or quitting one can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Look for positive change in this area in June of this year. Beneficial colours are celery green and camel. Lucky numbers are 39 and 44.
If you've been under pressure lately, you could reach critical mass today, as tomorrow's Full Moon adds an edge to the mood in your relationships. You are likely to bite your room-mate's head off if your head isn't bitten off first... try to find something to laugh about to ease the tension. Those of you in intimate relationships can channel all this wild energy into passionate encounters, so avoid senseless bickering.. Beneficial colours are chestnut brown and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The passing Moon places emphasis on the way you feel and the work you do. You may be under quite a bit of pressure; it will seem that everyone wants everything yesterday. Tell the world to chill out and maintain a pace that is comfortable for you. Health problems should improve, as you are likely to discover excellent new methods for dealing with them. Beneficial colours are coffee brown and daisy white. Lucky numbers are 46 and 48.
The home fires are burning bright tonight, Archers; you may find that you are saying just the right things to family members. If some people are getting on your nerves, you'll find the right words at just the right moment. As the Moon dances with Jupiter tonight, it's a great night for entertaining at home. Beneficial colours are royal blue and light tan. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
You will find it is easy to understand others without the need for words today; some may even find they experience telepathy. It may be hard to express what you want to say in words, but body language and subtle nuances should be exceptionally clear to you. Listen to what your heart is saying today and don't pay much attention to the voices in your head. Beneficial colours are golden amber and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
You may have to revise your priorities today. They say the love of money is the root of all evil, but today could be a lucky one for you. In reality, money's only worth what it can buy, and we all know it can't buy love or happiness. Don't compromise what you value for any reason, especially not because of peer pressure, but good news could be very useful. Beneficial colours are forest green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
The Moon continues through Pisces and your house of personality, giving you more energy than you have had in a while. With the Sun, Moon and Jupiter dancing, it's a fortunate day for the Fish, one of the best! Spend it doing fun things with the ones you love, especially those who like the same activities you do. Enjoy this sunny day, because whatever the weather outside, you have a glow coming from inside. Beneficial colours are dusky pink and pastel green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
With the energizing Sun, wise Mercury, and the mysterious Moon in your eighth house of sex, money and power, your imagination may be stimulated, especially as Moon dances with dreamy Neptune. Whether it is the dynamics of an intimate relationship, corporate takeover, or the secrets of life after death that intrigue you, you are likely to feel things very deeply today. Be open to understanding the reality of that which is unseen. Auspicious colours are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
You are basking in the glow of the Moon, which makes you even more alluring and mysterious than usual. Enjoy the attention and take advantage of the opportunity for romantic moments. However, you may encounter some frustrations at work as the sensitive Moon clashes with Mars and Saturn, under a cloud of Neptunian disarray. Make sure you look busy whenever the boss walks by. Auspicious colours are cinnabar and champagne. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
With both the Sun and the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, you may feel under the weather. For some Rams, this is a very depressing time of the year as the Heavenly Lights have gone behind the curtain. However, this can be a time of powerful reflection and self analysis. It's time to give your spiritual batteries a complete overhaul. Honour your need for silence. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon lights up your fourth house of home and family concerns today, urging you to pay more attention to what goes on under your own roof. Listen carefully to what your family has to say but pay even more attention to their actions. So often we take for granted those who mean the most to us. Don't let opportunities to express your appreciation pass you by. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
You may find that pressure is beginning to build in the areas of your career and reputation. You may not be progressing as fast as you would like, but have patience. A personal relationship may be challenging you to rethink your plans for the future. A situation with a business partner or competitor may become very serious over the next few weeks. Auspicious colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
With the Moon sailing through your fifth house of romance, children and pleasure, you're about to experience your most creative time of the year. This is a day to indulge yourself no matter how slightly; try to do something just for the sheer joy of it. Too often, Scorpions spend their time handling responsibilities and taking on other people's problems, so take some time out for yourself. Auspicious colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
Some Crabs may have a hard time staying on solid ground as the Moon meets Neptune in dreamy Pisces; dream big dreams that have no earthly hope of coming true and then see how quickly the universe moves to support your ambitions. There's no harm in imagining a fabulous future for yourself and your loved ones; just remember not to imagine your enemies getting their just rewards. They will get their due eventually, with or without your help! Auspicious colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
With the sensitive Moon meeting fantasy-prone Neptune in Pisces and your seventh house of partners, the focus is on your closest personal relationships, or lack of the same. Many Virgins have a hard time allowing anyone to get too close as they instinctively understand the implications of an intimate relationship. More than a few have found themselves playing psychiatric ward nurse to an overly needy loved one. Auspicious colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
One of the principles of spiritual prosperity is that of giving. Give today, whether it's of your time or of your material wealth. When you give, you prepare yourself to receive. When you worry less about yourself and concentrate on what you can do for others, you make this a better world and you open yourself to be blessed. If you have two of something, give one away. Auspicious colours are sage green and copper. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The loving Moon enters your eleventh house of friends and associates, urging you to connect with good friends. Some of your friendships may crumble during the pressure of the next few days as jealousy and power struggles come to the fore. However, those who are tried and true will stay by your side. Plan a lazy, relaxing afternoon surrounded by a few good friends. Auspicious colours are azure blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
The Moon enters poetic Pisces today, giving you a way with words. Those of you who play a musical instrument will find your sound is deeper and contains more feeling; release everything that you have been holding in for the past few days. Even if it means engaging in primal scream therapy in your back yard, it's time to speak. Auspicious colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
With the Moon meeting mysterious Neptune in mystical Pisces and your sixth house of health and service to others, your thoughts may turn to holistic healing. A very spiritual experience may be in store for you during the next two days or so. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so that your mind and body will be in optimum condition. You need to be open to messages the universe is sending you. Auspicious colours are baby blue and ivy green. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
Surprises in your life are likely to be positive ones, but they may catch you off guard just the same. This is a good time to spend at home with your loved ones, counting your blessings and appreciating life in general. All in all, a topsy-turvy kind of day! Fortunate colours are blue green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
The emotional Moon in your seventh house of partnership brings candlelight and surprises. With any luck, the surprises are the sort you enjoy rather than the nasty little unexpected moments that can blow an intimate vibe. Be open to spontaneity, honesty and unconventionality in your relationships. Fortunate colours are rose red and violet blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
An intense experience awaits you as the emotional Moon stirs up your eighth house of sex, money and power today. The Powers That Be are smiling down on you, so be open to what the universe sends you. Intimate relationships can be extremely passionate if you don't mind a bit of experimentation. Now, where did you put that pirate costume? Advantageous colours are bark brown and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 18 and 22.
Some of you may be unduly worried today; it's just the emotional Moon meeting up with imaginative Neptune in the heavens. You could imagine all kinds of terrible fates that could befall you, but none of them are likely to happen. Your best defence against your fear and anxiety is to think positive, happy thoughts... you'll swear you can fly! Advantageous colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
Insights into your life may be strong today. As understanding as you can be towards others, it can be very difficult for you to fathom your own depths. It is important to love yourself and forgive yourself just as you do for others. Torturing yourself for past mistakes and misdeeds will do no one good. If you must atone for your sins, serve those who are in need. Advantageous colours are periwinkle and hazel. Lucky numbers are 39 and 48.
The Moon in your third house of communication blends with sensual Venus, helping you to express yourself more eloquently and uniquely. It may be hard to express what you feel clearly; writing poetry may help you to express the subtle emotions you long to express. Reading a book of pure escapist fiction is also good medicine today... hey, no one has to know what it is you are reading! Advantageous colours are canary yellow and clear blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
As the Moon clashes with Uranus and Saturn today, you may be able to tolerate very little restriction. It may be My way or the Highway, but remember that you may not feel as strongly about certain things come tomorrow. Janis Joplin put it best in Me and Bobby McGhee... Freedom's just another name for nothing left to lose. Don't alienate anyone today, no matter how powerful you feel. Advantageous colours are brick red and flame orange. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The combination of the responsive Moon and unpredictable planets make this a topsy-turvy day. Anything can happen, especially where your friends are involved. If you go out tonight, you may end up spending more money than you would like, as you may need to rescue your pals from a sticky situation. You are the best choice for designated driver tonight, so stay sober. Advantageous colours are silver and white. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
Emotional outbursts are likely today. People in authority are bound to be unpredictable, so keep a low profile. A boss who is offering encouragement one moment could be letting the guillotine fly the next. You may have to fight for ideas you believe in, but this will be your challenge for some time to come as planetary forces battle. Advantageous colours are emerald green and clear blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
With the Moon and Venus partying, this may be the one of the most exciting days of the month. Expect fireworks, as emotion and passions are unleashed. Some situations are likely to get a bit out of hand, so avoid drinking too much alcohol. Stay calm and centred to harness the cosmic energy! Advantageous colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
If you weren't previously aware of your ability to help others, your healing touch will become very apparent today. The intuitive Moon in your sixth house of health and service gives you special insight into your own health needs and the needs of others. Plan to spend time doing whatever lifts your spirit this evening. Auspicious colours are teal blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Some Twins will fall in love at first sight with a stranger, while others may find the teachers in their lives are more luminous than ever. If you begin a vacation today, it may turn out to be the ride of your life! Whatever happens, it certainly won't be boring. Advantageous colours are parchment and tropical pink. Lucky numbers are 45 and 46.
It may seem that you have stumbled upon the answer to all your financial problems as the intuitive Moon in your second house of personal values and finances dances with Saturn, your life-ruler. Some of you may have an idea that will make you a millionaire in the not too distant future, while others will experience a breakthrough of a more emotional sort. The Law of Abundance states that in giving you receive; be open to this. More on Mars Retrograde. Fortunate colours are sapphire blue and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 42 and 43.
The sensitive Moon activates your tenth house of career and reputation, meeting up with obstructive Pluto. You may be under pressure to perform like a super hero as you are considered one of the most capable on your team. Of course this is flattering, but even the stalwart Bull needs assistance at times. Keep a slow and steady pace and do not let the expectations of others rattle you. Flirting must only be done with caution, lest jealousy rear its nasty head. Fortunate colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Today is perfect for being spontaneous. If a good idea pops into your mind and it's feasible, go for it! A trip into the city if you live in the country will be stimulating, while those of you who live downtown should really consider going to a park in the country. Change your routine in some way. A change of scenery is recommended to keep the Twins happy and healthy. Fortunate colours are chestnut brown and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 38.
The emotional Moon in your first house of personality blends with steady Saturn, a fine combination. As the Tibetans say, you don't always know when you are having good luck, so consider that minor mishaps may actually be blessings in disguise today. At the very least, you should be practically irresistible to the opposite sex. Fortunate colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The normally impressionable Crab may be especially psychic as the receptive Moon enlivens your eighth house of mystery. Some of you may find yourself communicating with those on the other side, whether in dreams or conversations you seem to be having with yourself. Allow you intuition to lead you over the next two days. Fortunate colours are wine red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 9 and 20.
Over the next two days, the spotlight shines on your relationships with your co-workers and your working environment. By being sensitive to the needs and feeling of others, you can be instrumental in improving the work environment for everyone. In fact, with a little bit of teamwork, you can achieve awards and kudos for your wise innovations. This is also a good time to begin alternative health therapies. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
It'll be easy to know where you stand as the Moon glides through your seventh house, which rules open enemies as well as best friends. Whether you are in competition with a worthy opponent or spending the afternoon with your better half, there is no question about the relationship. Harmony and understanding can be promoted by trying to see things from another's perspective. Fortunate colours are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 43.
Most Librans should be able to find a measure of happiness today as the Moon continues to glide through their fifth house of pleasure. If you have the day off, plan a picnic, shopping trip or other enjoyable outing. Your life may be in the process of changing, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. Recharge your spiritual batteries by having some fun, but watch out, for it will be easy to provoke a jealous outburst. Fortunate colours are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 19.
The fun-loving Moon lights up your eleventh house of friends and associates, placing the focus on your playmates and peers. You can have a great time socializing now, so don't pass up the chance to meet friends for lunch or dinner. Ideal relationships may present themselves with Venus in your sign. Love may be in the air with someone you have a strong friendship with, but watch out for the green-eyed monster! Fortunate colours are electric blue and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
The spiritual gift of knowing may be yours as the sensitive Moon makes eyes at steady Saturn and delightful Venus from your twelfth house of the unknown today. You may need to spend time alone to tap into this energy; however, if you are the typical Fish, so many people depend upon your loving service that a moment to yourself is rare. Force yourself to spend at least one hour enjoying the sounds of silence. Fortunate colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Whether you are at work or home, today should prove to be unusually busy. Even if you refuse to put down the remote control and leave your sofa, you are likely to have the nagging feeling that you should be doing something. If you have been procrastinating and neglecting obligations and responsibilities, you'll need to step up to the plate now. You'll be glad you did once it is all over. Fortunate colours are golden amber and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
A walk down memory lane will be satisfying today and visiting the home of your childhood may stir up pleasant, long-forgotten memories. Take out old pictures and try to remember the events surrounding each one. If you've neglected to organise your memories, why not start today? A few shoe boxes and a permanent marker can help make your trip into the past more rewarding.Something said or done in an innocent context may stir up old memories, deep passions, even anger and resentment, so move with care. Advantageous colours are blossom pink and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Yippee! After months of retro motion in your house of romance, macho Mars turns direct at last, releasing the pressure on your lovelife and children, not to mention your creativity. A serious tone dominates the day as the Moon continues through strict Capricorn and your tenth house of career and status. Be mindful of your manners if you want to make a good impression. It isn't in the proud Ram's nature to be a yes-man, but everyone has to kiss up sometimes. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are garnet red and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Mars, your life-ruler turns direct today, after months in reverse creating headaches in your career. At last things are turning your way! The Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, so you can tap into your spiritual strength late in the day, reminding you that life is one great cycle that you're eternally connected to. Spend time recharging your spiritual batteries as tomorrow may be rather more stressful. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are deep green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
If the weather permits, this is the kind of day for flying kites. Imagine that it is you soaring above the clouds as you guide your kite through the air; imagine what sort of freedom you would have if you could fly! While you are at it, don't be afraid to dream of a better future for yourself, as Mars turns direct today, after months of dreary deviousness behind the scenes. Get outside and do something exhilarating, even if it's just taking a walk down a garden path. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are rose and garnet. Lucky numbers are 42 and 48.
Most Sea Goats will feel relatively good today as the Moon continues through your sign. Later in the day, the changing Moon enters your second house of personal values and finances, meeting up with inspirational Neptune. Your dreams and plans for a better future may be on your mind, as Mars turns direct in your financial zone, although the emphasis is more on the dreaming part rather than the actual doing. Favourable colours are forest green and clay. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Today's mood is much lighter as the Moon enters breezy Aquarius and your fifth house of romance and creativity. Mars turns direct and you'll notice the improvement as people are less likely to be impatient and demanding and are more open to having a good time. This evening you should kick back and enjoy something that is pure entertainment. Cut yourself some slack. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
Mars turns direct today, releasing some karma in your friendships and opening up your hopes. Most of you will feel instantly lighter as the changing Moon enters Aquarius and your ninth house of travel, education, and adventure. All your dreams and wishes will keep you several feet off the ground this evening. Go ahead and indulge in a bit of escapism, whether you get lost in role-playing games, like to read books about faraway places, or prefer movie magic. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are burnt orange and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 36.
Thank heavens Mars turns direct today, after months of retro motion in your sign. I think you've had enough of blasts from the past! Moon moves from your sixth house of service to your seventh house of partnerships, placing the emphasis on your responsibilities to others. The way you relate to others will ultimately change as your relationships demand that you take giant spiritual steps. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Your business partner, spouse or best friend may not want to share you today and this could cause problems, as your job is taking much of your energy. Mars is no longer stuck in reverse gear, so try not to fight: the real problem is that you haven't been able to talk lately, so make time for togetherness if you want the course of love to run smoothly. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are avocado green and coral pink. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
As the Moon enters your third house of communication and Mars turns direct in your house of travel, it may seem as though your life is speeding up. Towards the end of the day, it will seem as though you have more to do than when you began your morning. It will be easy to make mistakes if you rush as there is a hint of cosmic confusion. Meditation and relaxation will benefit you greatly tonight. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
This is a great day for taking care of yourself, body and soul. Pledge to only eat food that is good for you, listen only to music that makes you feel better, and spend time with people you enjoy. If you have to work today, you may have to wait until after your shift ends to follow the last suggestion. Mars turns direct today after months of churning through your house of secrets, so buy fresh flowers and have a love affair with yourself. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
The changing Moon enters Aquarius and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to slow down. Mars turns direct releasing stress, but possibly bringing a headache. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so plan a restful evening for yourself. Turn off your telephone's ringer and draw a warm bubble bath to soothe your tensions away. You may find you have prophetic visions as the intuitive Moon links up with psychic Neptune and Jupiter as you sleep. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You are coming from a position of strength whether you know it or not today. With the compelling Moon gracing your first house of personality, you have the power to persuade others to your point of view, especially now that Mars has turned direct in your 7th house. Aquarians are by nature ahead of their time and it is common knowledge that some of the world's greatest leaders and visionaries share this sign. Go ahead and reveal your own particular genius. More on Mars Retrograde. Favourable colours are cherry red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
Today's emphasis is on your personal values and finances. Unfortunately, what you want to do and what you can afford to do may be poles apart. Take time now to decide what you can and cannot spend on pleasure and entertainment. With leisure loving Venus in your fifth house of fun and games, you may be driven to seek pleasure at every turn. Find pleasure in things that are free, like walks in the park and playing with your children. Beneficial colours are forest green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The Moon continues in your twelfth house, making you less than enthusiastic to greet the morning. Anxiety-ridden dreams may have disturbed your sleep, making it hard for you to get started. You can keep working on recharging your spiritual batteries by staying in low gear. There is no need to put undue pressure on yourself. Adopt a relaxed attitude and many problems will clear up on their own. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
This should be an energetic, productive day for you. It is good to know that you are valued and needed, and you will be reminded of this today. The old saying Make hay while the sun shines applies now. Take advantage of your extra energy and drive while you are in high gear. Beneficial colours are brick red and tan. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You can make significant progress as the Moon continues to activate your third house of communication. You may find yourself travelling here and there to accomplish your goals, but it will be worth it. Relationships with neighbours and siblings are also favoured; why not meet at a favourite restaurant for lunch? It's time to connect with the special people in your life. Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
A fight you have today with your partner may be a shadow from your past; what is upsetting you may really have roots in your childhood, long before you met your mate. Try not to get upset over little things. Take a few breaths and ponder what is really bothering you. If others seem testy with you today, there is a good chance that they are responding to echoes, too. Beneficial colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
Venus begins to send emotional blessings to you today in the form of cash bonuses, unexpected triumphs, and sexual healing. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth... if the cosmos wants you to have something, accept it without too many questions. Sometimes we get what we deserve, and sometimes we don't get what we deserve. Somehow, we always get what we need. Beneficial colours are cinnabar and gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
It's time to pay attention to your health... when was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? For that matter, when was the last time you flossed your teeth? The regal Lion is often known for his or her fabulous appearance, but stress and responsibility may have taken time away from your beauty routine. Make time for proper meals and healthy exercise today. Beneficial colours are champagne and indigo. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
Today's heat could be positively channelled into passionate embraces or could be wasted on a ridiculous argument... take your pick. Your partner could be itching to start a fight, but if you've been paying attention, you will know how to diffuse this time-bomb. With a little tender loving care and patience, you can turn the tiger into a pussycat. Favourable colours are cornflower blue and cranberry red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 38.
You'll be more aware of interpersonal power plays as the Moon activates your eighth house of sex and money. Not that you would ever participate in such a thing... but you might want to pay closer attention to how you get your needs met. Everyone needs to manipulate in order to survive; it's a perfectly normal, natural, and necessary function. Those who rely on it as their sole method of survival are another story. Favourable colours are cayenne and copper. Lucky numbers are 44 and 45.
With an open mind, you can learn just about anything today. It will be easier to focus your mind and your emotional energy on subjects you are currently interested in, as well as the things you are forced to learn. By applying structure to your learning environment, you should be able to conquer any subject step-by-step. Have confidence in your abilities. Beneficial colours are maroon and twine brown. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
Your supervisors and others in authority may be temperamental today, but that won't stop you from making progress. If you're quiet and listen to that still, small voice, you may receive some invaluable advice. You can benefit from help behind the scenes as the spiritual Sun, healing Jupiter and loving Venus act as your personal guardian angels. Keep your ear to the ground. Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
Working with others should be more satisfying than working alone now. Teamwork does have advantages when done properly. You should make time for both working together and goofing off together, with definite guidelines to signal proper times. Remember when you were in school and a bell would ring to signal the end of class or the beginning of another? Use this technique to keep everything moving forward. Beneficial colours are tropical orange and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
The changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation today, making you a bit more mindful about your status. It may be hard to tone down your approach but you may need to put a damper on your natural enthusiasm: it's not that there is anything wrong with your joie de vivre, it's just that society often rewards the more controlled types. Auspicious colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Hurrah! The Moon takes a tour of your fifth house today, emphasizing romance and pleasure. Put down your work if you can and get outside and play; your creative juices will be stirred by joyful activity. No serious work allowed for the next two days - there'll be plenty of time to attend to obligations and duties later. Auspicious colours are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
The Moon and Saturn clash today, causing some frustration in your life. Dealing with people and companies at a distance may give you a headache; it seems business and commerce are suffering due to overconfidence and arrogance. The same holds true for educational pursuits; you may have to deal with endless amounts of red tape and bad tempers. Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
With the hearth-loving Moon beginning to pass through your fourth house of home and family today, you may not feel like leaving the house. No matter how frustrating the people you live with can be, there really is no other place a Libran can create such complete harmony. If you can manage a few hours alone at home, light a few candles and dance to your own tune. Auspicious colours are blue green and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
A disagreement with a friend about a money matter or business issue may ruin the day. If other people are being greedy or stingy, simply ignore them. Those of you in an intimate relationships may find that tension leads to passion later on today. if you find yourself fighting about little things, stop and make up. Life is too short to be petty with each other. Auspicious colours are aubergine and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
The changing Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, turning your attention to your partner. It may be time to check in with your best friend, mate or business associate. He or she may have been holding emotions in lately, creating a potential relationship hazard. Make time to sit around and talk about everything under the Sun, for good measure. Auspicious colours are pale aqua and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 26.
The changing Moon enters your eleventh house of friends and associates, giving today a more lighthearted energy. This is a good time to catch up on all the gossip and news that your peers have to share. You may also find that networking can benefit you a great deal. Go ahead and call in favours if you need something done. It may be time to collect a few back scratches. Auspicious colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 26.
If you have allowed your body and soul to rejuvenate, you should be glowing with health and energy today. If you pushed yourself when you should have been taking it easy, you may be a basket case by now. Hopefully, you are feeling well as the Moon travels through Capricorn, making you especially attractive to others today. There is much you have to offer to the world, which needs more of your simple grace and tasteful elegance. Auspicious colours are carnation red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The day begins on a busy note as the Moon enters your third house of communication. You may find yourself on the phone quite often, taking care of myriad responsibilities and obligations. Your mate, best friend, or partner can be very helpful in joint ventures, so include him or her in your dealings. This is a great time for getting things done together. Auspicious colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The Moon will enter your house of unconsciousness today, potentially affecting your dreams. Aquarians are often blessed with a sixth sense, and dreams of a psychic nature are not uncommon. If you have not mastered the art of lucid dreaming, consider picking up a book on the subject. When you can turn the tables in a nightmare simply by realizing it is only a dream, even bad dreams become something to look forward to. Auspicious colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
New ideas will excite you as the changing Moon enters your ninth house of travel, education and adventure today. A new discipline you have been thinking of starting, or one that you have already begun, should bring you a great deal of pleasure, but stick to the tried and true methods, or you will meet obstacles. Auspicious colours are army green and golden khaki. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
This a good day to be mindful of money matters as the changing Moon lights up your second house of personal finances. The generous Archer doesn't always check the bottom line when making purchases; after all, fortunate Jupiter always seems to make sure there is money when you need it. Take a look at your accounts to make sure everything is as it should be. Auspicious colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Positive energy is yours today, so take advantage of opportunities that come your way. This is not the day to sit at home and watch television; get out and explore your world. Spending time with family members is also favoured, so consider going for a picnic lunch, or a bicycle ride together. Fresh air and good company are all you really need today. If you'd like to put a little more romance in your life this is the time to try it. Advantageous colours are cinnamon and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Spend time today recovering from yesterday's intense energies. The emotional Moon continues to illuminate your tenth house of status, but it should be easier to handle the effects, as Venus turns your attention to financial concerns. Courage and integrity are all you need to succeed at this time. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius or who have Sagittarius Rising can be very helpful to you now. Advantageous colours are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
The Moon revolving in your second house of finances may put some in danger of theft; be guarded with your safety and belongings now. Don't leave your property out in the open where others have a clear view. Be especially aware of your surroundings when in crowded public places, the ultimate smorgasbord for pickpockets everywhere. As Mars is stationary, you may not be seeing things so clearly. Advantageous colours are army green and golden khaki. Lucky numbers are 11 and 18.
As Venus swan-dives into your sign, this is not a day to sit around and watch television! Fun and excitement are out there waiting for you, if you'll go out and find it. Spending time with good friends or your partner will be good for your soul. In fact, you can lead the gang into some pretty wild situations if you so choose. People will be looking to you for adventure, so show them your fearless side! Advantageous colours are royal purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
If you find yourself dealing with extended family members today, you may end up with indigestion. Family relationships may seem pleasant on the surface, but are likely to be seething with resentment underneath. It seems the harder you try to please, the less you are appreciated. The trick is just to be yourself, whether they like it or not. You may be surprised at the results. Advantageous colours are beige and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 27 and 32.
Your adoring public may await you, as Venus enters lively Aries, but your partner or best friend may not agree with today's agenda. If you're torn between your ambitions and the needs of others, welcome to your seventh house of partnerships. Frustration in relationships is bound to be your middle name, as if it wasn't the story of your life already! Advantageous colours are blush pink and beige. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
Today is rather weird, as the Moon is in your twelfth house of secrets and the subconscious. You may feel agitated without knowing why; dreams and nightmares may hold the key to your unrest. For some, this is a good day for spiritual healing and rebirth. Realize that endings are necessary to make the way for new beginnings; allow yourself to grieve that which you have lost. Spending time at home would be best Advantageous colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Pleasure and pain may go hand in hand as the sensitive Moon awakens your fifth house of romance and creativity. Foreigners and cultural types will appeal too, as fun-loving Venus leaps into fiery Aries. Some of you may take delight in more dangerous pursuits, while others will simply not know when to say enough of everyday pleasures. The Pleasure Principle was intended to measure at what point does enjoyment become discomfort; only you can say. Advantageous colours are pale gold and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
The Moon moves through adventurous Sagittarius today, enlivening your house of friends and associates. Aquarians generally treasure their friendships and are able to mingle with all types. You may find yourself especially drawn to more intense types these days, especially in your local neighbourhood. Startling comments may anger you, but will ultimately get you thinking. Advantageous colours are red and violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 3.
This is a good time for prayer and meditation, no matter what your creed, as Venus your life-ruler enters your 12th house. Not that there is anything wrong, simply that today is a good day for reaching greater understanding through quiet contemplation. Prayer is not reserved for times of trouble; prayer can be a joyful, thankful expression of your soul. Surround yourself with fresh flowers and enjoy nature's beauty today. Advantageous colours are charcoal grey and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 30.
Venus, your life-ruler, sweeps into sexy Aries today, which suggests that you'll enjoy delightful company at a gathering in the local area. Venus in your 7th house for the next month or so is fabulous for joint ventures and general cooperation. Your connection with a sibling or neighbor is strong now, giving you the opportunity to share. Advantageous colours are golden amber and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 32.
Disturbing dreams and intense emotions could dominate the day; try to look at this discomfort as a healing process. As you grow spiritually, you may need to face those who have helped produce much of your inner torment. The only way out is forgiveness... you don't have to trust or even like someone who has hurt you in the past, but forgiveness is the key to setting yourself free. Advantageous colours are bark brown and ebony. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
The mysterious Moon enters your eighth house of sex, money and power today, urging you to dig a little deeper into your psyche. You will need to spend time trying to understand your personal drives and motivations. In this way, you will be better prepared to understand the motivations of others. Fortunate colours are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
The mindful Moon lights up your sixth house of health and service today, reminding you to adhere to good habits. A little body work may be in order as Cancer is not the most physically active of the signs. Disciplines such as Yoga and Tai Chi employ fluid movements without high impact yet will give you a good, strenuous workout. Believe me, after an hour of Yoga, you feel it. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and snow white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
The sensitive Moon lights up your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Passions run high for better or for worse, so be prepared for Technicolor, 3D emotions to wash over you. Even if you are calm and serene, your mate, best friend, or business partner is likely to be experiencing overwhelming feelings. You can use this energy to become closer, but handle it with care. Auspicious colours are soft coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Even if it is raining cats and dogs in your vicinity, today's energy can be the equivalent of sunny skies. With the lively Moon lighting up your ninth house of travel and adventure, life is full of potential and possibilities. An optimistic attitude will be contagious, so spend time with those who are open to all the beautiful ideas you have to share with the world. Fortunate colours are royal blue and sunny orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Pressure may be building in your public life as the Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation. If you've been working hard to make a name for yourself, the next two days may be illuminating. By the same token, if you have been inviting bad karma, events will reveal that which you would hide. Take a deep breath and prepare for some intensity. Fortunate colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You may not feel like working, but at least work should not be too stressful today. You may find water-cooler gossip much more intriguing than your personal assignments, but at least try to look busy! Do what you can to form and strengthen strategic alliances. The next two days may be incredibly stressful, so you need to have several back up plans in place. Have lunch with someone who can help further your cause, and enjoy the relatively light mood today. Fortunate colours are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Stress may take a toll in the form of headaches and indigestion today; with so much tension between your sixth house of health and your twelfth house of subconscious matters, you could be swallowing a lot of frustration and rage. Take a few deep breaths and do whatever it takes to remove yourself from an unpleasant situation. Give yourself plenty of time and space to gain a new perspective. Fortunate colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon enters Sagittarius and your first house of personality, giving you a sense of emotional rebirth. It will be easier to express yourself today, especially in your personal relationships. However, by this evening you may become a bit too intense for your own good. The joining of the Moon and mighty Mars may make your emotions overwhelming. Fortunate colours are ruby red and daisy white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
With the mindful Moon gliding through your second house of personal finances, it is time to balance your bank book. It isn't always easy to be accountable for every expense, but if you want to know where all your money's going, you need to pay closer attention. It will be all too easy to overspend this month on luxuries while the focus remains on your fifth house of pleasures. Fortunate colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
It may seem that the phone is ringing off the hook while the Moon passes through your third house of communication. There'll be much coming and going as the day commences, so be sure to pace yourself. Accidents are waiting to happen if you try to accomplish too much today, so slow down. Fortunate colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 23.
Take control of your emotional responses, Virgo, before they take control of you. If you've never given primal scream therapy a try, you might want to experience it yourself over the next day or two. Bend down with your head between your knees, then lift up with a scream that comes from your toes all the way through to the top of your head. Feel better now? Propitious colours are pale green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
Finally you can relax and experience the simple joys of life, whether it's sleeping in until noon or watching your child take its first steps. Those of you in romantic relationships can finally let your hair down and enjoy each other's company. No pressure, no expectations, just the pleasure of being together. The same holds true for parents and children. Those Lions who spend the day alone will find magical inspiration. Fortunate colours are royal purple and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 16.
You may have to contend with business or personal power plays as the Moon trolls through your eighth house of sex and money. This is a good time to centre yourself and focus your energy to avoid being used by so-called psychic vampires. You know the type; they attach themselves to you and seem to drain the life out of you. Steer clear of psychological manipulators. Favourable colours are rust and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 45 and 48.
Tension may be building for you as you attempt to work with a group of associates; it seems that your values and their goals are not entirely compatible at present. If you want to avoid a serious clash of opinions, you may need to be discreet about whom you share yours with. Confide only in your closest friends and family members. Smart Capricorns know that ultimately, they will win out! Favourable colours are chestnut brown and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 22 and 47.
The normally psychic Fish may have exceptionally strong visions today. If you feel your intuition is telling you something, pay attention! Those of you with in-laws may find some difficulty in communication with them now. It may be best to listen as much as possible and to say as little as you can. This is not a day for confrontation, so keep a low profile. Intuitive colours are pale green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
The Moon clashes with Saturn and Pluto, making this a potentially stressful, and even upsetting day. Someone you care about could be struggling with anxiety, so try to be patient. Your calm and steady presence will be soothing. You don't really have to say anything... just be there. If you are struggling emotionally, take time out for a walk in nature. Favourable colours are emerald and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The fertile Scorpio Moon can mean pregnancy for some Crustaceans and romance for others; either way, your creative juices will be stirred. Passion, for better or for worse, is practically guaranteed by Uranus adding a note of excitement to the mix... hang on to your hats because you are in for one exciting ride. Go with the flow, because one way or another, change is going to find you. Favourable colours are bubble gum pink and purple grape. Lucky numbers are 21 and 29.
The hearth-loving Moon and artistic Venus blend well today, making this a good time to beautify your home. A person's home is often a reflection of his or her personality. What do you want others to notice when they walk in your door? Perhaps your love of history can be reflected in antiques or your love of animals and adventure can be represented in a safari theme. Favourable colours are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family, urging you to tend to the home fires today. For better or worse, your home and the people in it are a big part of who you are. You may not be able to change your family, but you can change the way you respond and react to their actions. Make a pledge to be the best you can be, challenging the others to follow your good example. Beneficial colours are celery green and bark brown. Lucky numbers are 29 and 30.
The Moon is in your sign, giving you added strength and charm. Romance is favoured this evening, so don't turn down invitations that come your way. Even the least sociable among you should enjoy the company of a few select others now. Give yourself permission to have some fun. Go a little wild under the stars. Fortunate colours are rich red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
You may find yourself in the service of your friends and associates now. If you're running yourself down just to please a demanding buddy, you need to rethink the relationship. If you are truly enjoying being useful and helpful to those you care about, you are on the right track. While the Moon passes through your sixth house of health and service, remember to treat your body with care. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 6 and 16.
Don't allow your financial worries to get you down today; obsessing over every little detail will not solve the overall problem. You may find your finances are tight this month, but you can remedy the situation through long-term planning. Prosperity is literally just around the corner, so have faith. Favourable colours are celadon green and coin silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Keep talking today and you'll eventually get your point across: you have the opportunity to get your way while Venus is still in your seventh house of others. Honey will catch more flies than vinegar, so sugarcoat your words if necessary. Romance is not out of the question, in fact, certain relationships are beginning to bloom at last. Favourable colours are buttercup yellow and sugarplum pink. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
You might be easily frustrated or disappointed today as the Moon and Uranus clash briefly. Don't allow anyone to take advantage of you in this state; if anyone asks you if you can do them a favour, say I don't know; if anyone tries to sell you something, say I'll have to think about it. Don't do anything that will have a big impact on your life or make any important decisions today. It's better to coast along, doing your job and minding your own business. Favourable colours are garnet red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
The Moon moves through Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, urging you to put away your toys and clean yourself up. If you've been eating too much junk, today is the day to detoxify your body. Eat only fresh, healthy foods and drink plenty of water; you might even consider going on a juice fast if your health will allow it. Beneficial colours are beige and blue grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
Today promises to be romantic and pleasant as the Moon glides through your fifth house of romance, creativity, and pleasure. Children's interests are also favoured, so make time for the little ones. If you want to charm someone special today, take a few hints from Scorpio's book: start with a little mystery, add some passion, sprinkle with intensity and blend well. Beneficial colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
The Moon moves through Scorpio forming a lovely trine with Jupiter, so shake off the doldrums. Those of you dealing with an educational institution may have been frustrated by red tape, but the aspects are in your favour now, so do your best to be resourceful and work within the system. When the day is done, you may need to seek relief... Sexual pleasure with a loving, willing partner would be ideal, but if this isn't possible, go for a long walk or bike ride followed by a hot bath. It's important to let off steam this evening, as tomorrow may be especially stressful. Beneficial colours are rich green and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
Your skills and talents may be in demand, leaving you little time for rest. However, your hard work at this time will pave the way for what you need later. Look on the bright side... you are so capable that people truly need you. There are worse things to be than that! Take care of your responsibilities and obligations today so that you can enjoy a lighter load tomorrow. A word of caution: Make sure these really ARE your obligations. Don't allow anyone to use you unfairly. Beneficial colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
If you've been busy during the past two days, try to enjoy a cosy evening at home tonight. In fact, I highly recommend taking a break from the outside world and spending as much time as possible in your own bathtub. Sprinkle the water with rose petals and pretend you are Cleopatra or the King of Siam if need be. You have earned a few hours of suspended reality. Beneficial colours are teal blue and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Take it slow and easy this morning. If you can, stay in bed until noon. There is nothing wrong with getting extra sleep sometimes, and this is a good time to do it. Later this afternoon, you'll be more inclined to socialize. Gather good friends together for an event such as an art festival or a jazz concert. Try a restaurant you have never been to. Just get out and do something, as boredom won't sit well with you today. Shake off those cobwebs! Beneficial colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon moves through your third house of communication, urging you to express your feelings. If nervous tension has been building, it's imperative to work off steam. There is no way you can please everyone all of the time, so stop trying. You will be respected for standing up for yourself... this is not the time to be a martyr! Go for a brisk walk in the fresh air this evening. Beneficial colours are canary yellow and celery green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Since it looks like you need to balance your bank records this evening, order in for dinner. Enjoy your favourite pizza or Chinese food while you engage in the less-than-pleasant chore of managing your finances. When you have accomplished your mission, curl up on the sofa in front of the television or with a good book... after all, some of the best amusements in the world are free. Beneficial colours are terra cotta and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
The emotional Moon and combative Mars clash overnight, but Pluto is favoured, reducing the strength of power struggles and disagreements. You may need to evaluate your behaviour; it could be that you have been high-handed or controlling. If this is the case, you can make amends and search for a new way to respond to situations you perceive as threatening. Taking the time to work through personal differences with your family members will be worth it. Favourable colours are cherry red and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 4 and 37.
Avoid the hustle and bustle of the social scene as the Moon in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude forms a beautiful aspect with Jupiter, your life-ruler. Give yourself a chance to regenerate by taking a long walk and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. A little bit of heavenly seclusion under your own roof will be good for the soul now. Don't force yourself to be anything you are not. Beneficial colours are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
If you didn't cover all your bases yesterday, you'll be faced with upsets today. The Powers That Be have been watching, so hopefully you've been discreet. If not, you may face censure. Nowadays, forwarding humorous e-mail to your colleagues at work can cost you your position. No matter how strong the urge to share the mirth is, click on the delete button instead! Beneficial colours are emerald green and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
Finally you can relax and enjoy yourself, so plan for a candlelit evening. With the romantic Moon glowing in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, you can connect with your partner in a most pleasurable way. Even if you are single you can revel in the company of dear friends as the Sun and sociable Venus encourage laughter and love. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The heat created by the nurturing Moon and fantasy-prone Neptune is high today; don't allow doubts and insecurities to ruin the rosy glow. There will be plenty of time to look at love in the harsh light of day; now is the time to wonder at the magic of love and affection. Creativity is sparked by this transit, so be ready for the muse when she comes upon you. Auspicious colours are emerald green and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 28 and 39.
Yesterday's introverted influences continue, so avoid a fight by being honest today. If you don't feel like socializing, just say so... it's better to be up front about it. You may be in the mood for fun tonight, so don't rule out evening activities. Take care of the things that are important to you early in the day and then try to come to a happy compromise tonight. Auspicious colours are dove grey and forest green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
If you can manage to sleep all day, by the time the Moon enters your first house of personality you'll be ready to come back to life! Why not plan to go see a movie, or visit friends this evening? You'll enjoy a little escapism and some good company. There's no need to subject yourself to the public masses, but it will be good to leave your cave. Auspicious colours are lavender and snow white. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
Allow yourself some time to play as the Moon bowls through your first house of personality. This is a good day for expressing your creativity and enjoying your children and loved ones. If you can, fly a kite, go swimming, pick wild flowers, or visit the zoo today. There'll be plenty of time for work and responsibilities tomorrow. Auspicious colours are sugarplum pink and butter yellow. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The morning hours favour partnership issues, but by evening, confusion sets in. This is not a good time to trust anyone else with your responsibilities. In fact, be prepared to take more than your share of life's burdens as some of your friends and associates fall down on the job. The old saying If you want something done right, do it yourself is the theme of the day. Auspicious colours are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon at odds with fiery Mars can make you exceptionally energetic and forceful around the house. The next few weeks will be important, as Mars turns direct after months of retro motion. Take advantage of this time to make progress: lay down the foundation for great accomplishments over the next several weeks. Auspicious colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
There's plenty to do today in your own community and you'll find you are out and about more than usual. There may be some misunderstandings at home, so don't be surprised if you have to make several trips before you have everything right. Don't allow emotional upsets to affect your life... if you have had a fight, wait at least thirty minutes before getting behind the wheel of a car. Auspicious colours are banana yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
You could emerge as a real power player in your career field after today; the universe is putting money on your ability to perform in a superior manner. This should mean more money for you in the long run, so don't be afraid to take on extra responsibilities. With nebulous Neptune in your second house of money matters, you'll need to take your opportunities as they come. Auspicious colours are heather grey and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 44.
Open up a map and target a location about ninety minutes away. Then, pack your bags for a day trip. There is something about barrelling down the highway that is so soothing. Spend the day in a place you've never been before, exploring the terrain and meeting the people. If there is no way for you to get out of the house today, try watching the Travel Channel or reading a book about somewhere far away. You need to expand your horizons, so use your imagination. Auspicious colours are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 14 and 30.
It may be very hard to resist a shopping spree again today, especially if you are out with your friends today. You'll want to have what everyone else is buying, but try to control the impulse to spend. In fact, you might try leaving your credit cards at home. Just because something is on sale doesn't mean you need it! If you do spend, be sure to give what items you no longer use to the needy. Auspicious colours are avocado green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 19 and 42.
Make an effort to improve your relationships with business partners and cubicle mates. Take a cue from the Librans you know; exercise tact and diplomacy, and try to be less vague when expressing yourself. This will give you more room to navigate; by playing your cards a little closer to your chest, you afford yourself greater privacy. Auspicious colours are robin's egg blue and cream. Lucky numbers are 15 and 42.
It should be easy to please and be pleased on this friendly and energetic day. Energy is high and spirits are generally optimistic, so why not plan to have some fun tonight? Get together with your mate, best friend, or partner... do something on the spur of the moment that you have always wanted to do. It will be good for your soul! Auspicious colours are shining copper and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 22 and 33.
The next two days could be very romantic indeed as the cosy Moon stimulates your fifth house of love and pleasure; allow yourself to love and be loved today. Love inspires you to be the best you can be; it need not force you to change because you will be motivated to rise to your greatest heights for it. Children can also bring great joy during this tine frame, so be sure to connect with the young ones in your life. Advantageous colours are baby blue and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
If you make a conscious effort to say and do the right things today, the presence of Venus in your twelfth house of secrets may see you enjoying a secret attraction. It may be hard if you're feeling emotional or sensitive, but it's precisely the fact that you are willing to be gracious that will earn you kudos. If someone else is being rude, you will look like royalty by being kind and courteous. Advantageous colours are soft coral and lavender. Lucky numbers are 7 and 15.
As the Moon travels through Libra, the focus remains on your most important relationships. Those of you who are already mated may want to stay in bed for a while this morning if possible. Those of you who are happily single may enjoy getting together this afternoon with friends. You may find your friendships deepening; a good friend may become something more. Advantageous colours are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon moves through fair Libra and your ninth house of travel and education, preparing you for changes. Trying new things such as new foods and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Advantageous colours are navy blue and khaki. Lucky numbers are 18 and 20.
You may be tempted to daydream now, but with the Moon sailing though your tenth house of career and reputation, you need to display greater concentration. Take a cat nap mid-afternoon and you will find yourself refreshed and ready to focus; chances are good you will be up late tonight as you see to all your responsibilities. Advantageous colours are basic black and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
After a hard day's work, you can loosen up as the Moon moves through sociable Libra and your eleventh house of friends and associates. However, you may want to guard just how much information you divulge to your pals over drinks... don't let your tongue get so relaxed that you confide the wrong things to the wrong people. Advantageous colours are magenta and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Slow motion may be the best way to describe this interminable day... it's not a bad one, it just might seem endless. There's so much to do and so many people who are depending on you that you may never get a chance to relax and let your hair down. If you haven't already learned to say no, you may want to practice on those who impose on you today. Advantageous colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Today is the sort of day you should try to do whatever pleases you most. For some, it might be attending a social event, but others will naturally prefer more solitary pursuits. Honour your need for comfort and plan at least one indulgence for today. Advantageous colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon moves through Libra and your second house of personal finances today, giving some of you the irresistible urge to buy something. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a small luxury, just be sure to stay within your budget. Men and women alike often splurge as a way to reward themselves after working hard. Find something that will give you pleasure and remind you that you deserve the best. Advantageous colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 29.
You might feel rather talkative today as the Moon moves through Libra and your third house of communications. It's time to catch up on all your correspondence, including phone calls and e-mail. Tonight can be loads of fun, especially for those planning to entertain at home this evening. Laugh at yourself and life's little amusements. Advantageous colours are pale yellow and Pacific blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
You can be very happy at home tonight as the Moon transits your fourth house of home and family, but your mate may want to go out on the town. You'll be torn between what you want to do and what your partner desires. Don't go out if you think you'll be miserable - that will only start a fight. Be honest about the way you feel, and don't be hurt if you spend the evening alone, this time. Advantageous colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
With the Moon moving through your sixth house of health and service, it's time to evaluate your daily habits. How long has it been since you last flossed your teeth? Have you been getting regular exercise? Your work environment is also an important consideration - it's time to get organized. Advantageous colours are steel grey and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
With the Moon passing through your fourth house of home and family, it's time to do a bit of housekeeping. This is the perfect time to organize and tidy up if you've been letting things slide; you might find you even enjoy the physical exercise of house work. Spending time with your family members will help you to feel more deeply... whether this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen! Beneficial colours are oyster and teal. Lucky numbers are 4 and 21.
There is much to do today, but don't expect a restful evening! With the busy Moon in your third house of communication, it may seem that everyone needs to speak to you. Take the phone off the hook if you want uninterrupted privacy this evening, when some of you will only want to communicate your desires to your lover! Beneficial colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Your personal magnetism is exceptionally strong as the Moon passes through your first house of personality. Your powers of persuasion should help you get what you want today, so don't be afraid to turn on the charm. Any left over difficulties from yesterday can be easily smoothed over with your calm, cool touch. Serve yourself by serving others for a win-win situation. Beneficial colours are buttercup yellow and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Spend time healing your inner and outer wounds. Be sure to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and avoid stressful situations, as many Ariens are more vulnerable to illness and injury now. Take the time to organize your life and streamline your routines... less is better and simple can be divine. Beneficial colours are lily white and lime green. Lucky numbers are 21 and 41.
As the reflective Moon moves through your twelfth house of solitude, you will enjoy quiet moments. Your lunar low cycle is the perfect time to review the events of the past month, giving you an opportunity to plan for tomorrow. You can also use this time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Why not enjoy a bath infused with lavender and peppermint oils by candlelight this evening? Beneficial colours are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
It's time to surround yourself with good friends as the upright Virgo Moon glides through your eleventh house of associates. You may find that those who are better organized than you can help make your life work more efficiently. Spend time with pals who have it together and seem to be able to balance all the demands of life without going insane too often. Beneficial colours are true blue and tropical pink. Lucky numbers are 32 and 40.
Kudos should be coming your way as the Moon encourages benefits from generous Jupiter. If you 've been true to your ideals and your intentions have been good, you should find the Universe returning the favour. You may even find yourself being honoured by your co-workers or in a community event this evening. Beneficial colours are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
You may be concerned about your reputation or your partner's reputation once the Moon activates your tenth house of career and public standing. It may be that your mate, best friend, or partner is having trouble with an authority figure or a parent now. Try to be compassionate even if it's hard for you to understand the dynamic between your partner and the authority figures in your life. Beneficial colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
With the Moon in analytic Virgo and your eighth house of sex, money and power, you can be in tune with the mysteries of life. Don't be afraid to go deep and get real with your closest intimates; this transit favours intense and powerful exchanges. The Universe holds many mysteries and half the fun is exploring the unknown with like-minded seekers. Beneficial colours are bronze and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
With the Moon in your seventh house of partnerships today, this is a good time to work on building relationship bridges. While the Fish is often the most compassionate of all the signs, sometimes the reality of another is lost on you. Open your heart and mind to experiencing your mate, best friend, or lover as they are and not how you enjoy imagining them to be. Beneficial colours are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 33.
Enjoy the company of your favourite people today as the Moon and Venus make sweet music. Taking pleasure in the small joys life has to offer is the best way to keep a positive outlook on life. Sure, there is much to do and many sorrows to deal with, but what really matters is the love you have in your life. Be thankful for your mate, friends, family, children and animals on this creative, fortunate day. Beneficial colours are aubergine and coral. Lucky numbers are 37 and 46.
Sweet words may comfort you today, whether you hear them in a dream or are wide awake. It may be that you have a chance to comfort someone in turmoil with your own soothing words. This is a good day to catch up with siblings and neighbours, so make time for tea this afternoon. In the end, it is our relationships that matter most in life. Beneficial colours are butter yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 42 and 47.

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