Images's Horoscopes |



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Mirror, mirror, on the wall... You are the fairest of them all as lovely Venus enters your first house of appearance for a four week stay! Personal experience tells me that no matter how beautiful you truly are, all you see when you look in the mirror are your imagined flaws. Please, dear Libra, love yourself the way you are! Don't wait until you reach some impossible state of balance and perfection. Fortunate colours are red coral and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Welcome love into your life as Venus enters Libra and your fifth house of pleasure and romance today. Your creativity and sense of beauty reaches greater heights as Venus adds art and grace to all you do. Those with children should make a special effort to spend more time with them now. You'll reap the rewards later in the form of sweet memories. Auspicious colours are blossom pink and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Generous Venus blesses your second house of personal finances for the next few weeks... it is time to make hay while the sun shines, so to speak! Those of you in sales should close a sweet deal before this transit is over. The biggest drawback you will face is the increased desire to spend. You could get a real bargain on quality merchandise if you can be patient and wait for the right sale. Auspicious colours are sage green and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Venus, the planet of love, spends the next few weeks in your very unromantic sixth house of health and service, but this will give you an opportunity to show you care through service to others. Cooking should be very satisfying now, so consider picking up a new cookbook that appeals to you and invite some people over. Pets come under the sixth house influence, so be sure to give your furry friends plenty of attention. A romance with a co-worker is a good chance for those in the mood. Positive colours are golden amber and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 33 and 42.
The planet of love enters your tenth house of career and reputation, helping to put you in the good graces of your elders and superiors. Venus may even get you a pay rise or promotion some time during the next few weeks, so don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Relationships with your parents and authority figures should also improve under this influence. Auspicious colours are garnet red and pewter grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Love slips behind the scenes as Venus enters Libra and your twelfth house of secrets. Some Scorpions will feel more introverted during the next few weeks, while others may find the traditional interpretation of secret love affairs becomes a reality. Either way, you will not want your personal business to be public knowledge. Prayer and meditation are favoured. Auspicious colours are mint green and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
Venus, the planet of love glides into your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, helping pour oil on troubled waters over the next few weeks. This is a good time for you to arrange real quality time with your partner, so be sure to clear your calendar. Rams who are single may find love is just around the corner. Auspicious colours are royal purple and glittering gold. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
The Goddess of Love enters your fourth house of home and family, making home life more agreeable for the next few weeks. You might consider redecorating or having company over for dinner as Venus in Libra brings the Martha Stewart in you to the surface. Of course, you may have a hard time deciding which napkin rings to use, but that's all part of the fun. Auspicious colours are pale aqua and soft coral. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
Venus, the planet of love, enters your eighth house of sex, money and power, stimulating your desire for all three! Others will be more inclined to share their resources with you, including their affections. This is a great time to ask for what you want from those in positions of power. You may even be able to wrangle a raise during the next four weeks. Auspicious colours are wine red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
A change will do you good as the planet of love enters your ninth house of travel, education and adventure today. The next few weeks favour love and learning through new experiences, so do what you can to change your routine. If you are unable to take a vacation, find little ways to bring the world to you. Try different cuisine, rent foreign movies, and visit museums to open your mind. Auspicious colours are olive green and maroon. Lucky numbers are 33 and 39.
You'll be blessed with a silver tongue and a golden pen as the planet of love moves through your third house of communications. This is a wonderful time to express your feelings, so tell your loved ones how you feel. You'll enjoy the company of your neighbours and siblings, so plan a casual dinner for some time soon. Ideal colours are golden honey and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 23.
Friendships become even friendlier as Venus, the charming planet of love enters your eleventh house of friends and associates... the next few weeks will favour working and playing with groups of people, especially for shared ideals and causes. Romance may bloom as you become closer to the people you spend most of your hours with, while established love relationships benefit from a stronger sense of friendship. Favourable colours are kiwi green and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
You may enjoy spending quiet time alone today; however, it may be hard to find time for yourself. The Moon enters sensitive Cancer, kicking off your lunar low cycle today. You may not feel like socializing or dealing with the real world, but you probably don't have a choice. Pamper yourself tonight with a long, hot bubble bath. Fortunate colours are midnight blue and petal pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You might be feeling a bit of pressure now that the Moon is passing through your tenth house of career and reputation; all eyes may be upon you as you make your way today. Those in positions of authority over you could be exceptionally demanding and emotional today, but you may be fortunate enough to have a caring boss who is moved to help you with your personal concerns. Ideal colours are light yellow and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Spending time with friends and family will be enjoyable as the Moon enters cosy Cancer today. Surround yourself with the people that make you feel good about yourself; life is too short to waste time on people you can never satisfy. If you are far from your family of origin, choose your own personal tribe. Blood ties are not a requirement. Fortunate colours are kiwi green and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 13.
The changing Moon enters your sixth house of health and service to others today, placing the emphasis on how you can best serve others. You may be in a position where selfless service is required of you. It might seem like everyone wants and needs something from you... take time out to relax before you wear yourself out. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
The Moon enters hearth-loving Cancer and your fourth house of home and family, making you glad to be home at last this evening. If you are entertaining at home everything should run smoothly; your place will be a warm, cosy haven. Surround yourself with your loved ones and enjoy everything you have been working so hard for. Fortunate colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Tell an important person in your life how much they mean to you today; sweet words spoken now will get you a lot of mileage. With the expressive Moon entering your third house of communication, it should be easier to talk about the way you feel. Even discussing your frustrations will be easier, so don't be afraid to ask for help or advice. If there is no one to talk to, write a love letter to the Universe... it really is good to be alive! Fortunate colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
Love is in the air as the tender Moon passes through Cancer and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships; you may even be more than overwhelmed by emotion as sensual Venus heads south combining with excessive Jupiter. Fantasy is off the leash, so if you are in a committed relationship, stay home and enjoy simple pleasures tonight. If you are single and looking, you might just meet someone who rocks your world. Fortunate colours are spring green and cloudy blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
With the Moon entering thrifty Cancer and your second house of personal finances, it is time to count your pennies. If you want to buy something beautiful for your home, you may find just the thing on sale today. Yes, go on a shopping spree and blame the stars! A bargain is out there, you just need to go out and find it. Fortunate colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The intuitive Moon enters your eighth house of sex, power and money today, urging you to dive below the surface. You may have deep thoughts to contend with... just don't let yourself get depressed over the inevitable death and taxes. This is a good time to connect with your partner, as intimacy can help express the feelings you cannot find words for. Fortunate colours are blackberry and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 8 and 18.
With the Moon glowing in your first house of personality, you should be in your element. You can nurture, create and emote to your heart's content, and people will thank you for it. Sometimes people are frightened by your rich and potent emotional life, but the tears and laughter are the sunshine and rain that are so crucial to human growth and development. Make no excuses nor apologies for yours. Beneficial colours are raspberry red and creamy silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
The Moon moves into your ninth house of travel and education today, preparing you for changes. Trying new things such as food and different cultures will be uplifting for you at this time; you might even consider signing up for a course in a foreign language. Shake the cobwebs out of your life by reaching for something that excites you. Fortunate colours are deep green and maroon. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
The romantic Moon passes through your fifth house of love and creativity today, helping you to enjoy the sweeter things in life. Go ahead and indulge in a few pleasures today, even the guilty ones. No one has to know if you listen to Justin Bieber in secret or that you might actually like the story line on Baywatch. Have a little fun with no apologies. Fortunate colours are pale gold and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
You may experience psychic phenomena as the Moon passes through your eighth house of mysteries and dreams and visions may be prophetic. It's the kind of day where you find yourself thinking of someone and then they call or show up on your doorstep. Pay attention to your hunches and intuitive feelings. Favourable colours are aubergine and beige. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
You may find that you are so in tune with your best friend or partner today that you even share the same dreams; your powers of intuition are working overtime and this can benefit your relationships. Make an effort to spend some time with the most significant other in your life... meeting for lunch or dinner after work is a nice way to focus on each other. Favourable colours are spring green and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
With the Moon moving through Gemini and your third house of communication, you may be quite a chatterbox today. Be careful not to put your foot in your mouth as Mercury warns of disagreements with others. It may be all too easy to waste time on gossip while you are at work... worse, you may say the wrong thing to the wrong person! Favourable colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Tap into your own intuitive wisdom while the Moon passes through your twelfth house of secrets; remembering your dreams will help you understand the workings of your inner mind. You might not feel like going out on the town tonight, but who says you have to go out in order to have a good time? Enjoy the simple things of life in your own home. Intuitive colours are pale lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Daydreams can help you cope with reality today and a little fantasy and imagination will help spice up your life. A change of pace or scenery will be good for you now. With the Moon passing through your ninth house of variety, you may want to try something new in the kitchen. Experiment with an exotic recipe or try out a new restaurant that interests you. Favourable colours are maroon and camel. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Tension between your private life and your public obligations arises today. It may be best to avoid social events or to at least keep your appearances short and sweet while planetary energies clash. Some of you may be forced to work when what you really need is a day of rest. Propitious colours are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
You may be wise to avoid certain subjects with your friends and associates today. As they say, 'don't go there' and all should be well. If you get into a discussion about values or finances, things are likely to turn ugly. It is better to agree to disagree before anyone even says a word. If you find yourself forced to spend time with people you find disagreeable, try to suffer in silence unless real harm is being done. Auspicious colours are golden amber and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
It's time to put a little elbow grease into your chores around the house; get organized and get clean! When was the last time you cleaned out your refrigerator? Scrubbed your toilets? Have you been taking care of your own personal health needs? If you have been putting the needs of others before your own, you need to tend to your own business today. Ideal colours are Wedgwood blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
You may need to agree to disagree with someone today; after all, if we all thought and believed the same things, the world would be a boring place. Don't take it personally when someone challenges your ideas; take this opportunity to go over your views and ask yourself a few questions. After all, the Twins are among the most intelligent and interesting of the Zodiac... a little debate won't hurt you. Fortunate colours are blood red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You may feel torn between a friend and a romantic interest today. If you have children, keep a close eye on them as not everyone cares for them the way loving Leo does. You may be asked to make a choice or a hard decision. Follow your heart as it won't lead you astray. Favourable colours are kiwi green and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 42.
With the sensitive Moon in discord with wise Mercury, it may be time to agree to disagree. What you value and what your associates value may seem to be poles apart; then again, it could seem that you're eye-to-eye with someone when in fact, you're both coming from drastically different angles. As long as the end result is positive, you needn't trouble yourself over the petty details. Beneficial colours are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
Although some confusion may arise in the middle of the day, thanks to retro Mercury taking it out on the Moon, you should still expect happy surprises. Keep an eye out for little miracles and meaningful coincidences. Even if life seems dark at the moment, you can be sure things are about to improve. The tide is turning in the universe again and everything will soon be going your way. Favourable colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 28.
The changing Moon enters your tenth house of career and reputation, placing you and your efforts in the public eye. The past two and a half years have presented you with challenges but also given you the chance to show how capable you really are. This evening, enjoy the fruits of your labour. Beneficial colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You could find your efforts scattered on this busy day... try to focus on putting out one fire at a time. Your friends and associates could prove to be unexpected but pleasant distractions. Unfortunately, you may have to politely tell them you don't have time to play! Catch up on your phone calls and correspondence while the Moon favours communication. Advantageous colours are banana yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
Some Bulls may have luck in financial matters as the Moon activates their second house of personal finances; funding for a project may be granted soon. Intimate relationships may also benefit from today's energy, so be open to the needs and concerns of your partner. Emotions may run high, so find a healthy balance in order to make the best use of this energy. Beneficial colours are desert sand and bronze. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
After an introspective day, the changeable Moon enters your first house of personality, giving you a second wind. It may be hard to sleep tonight as your thoughts speed ahead into the future. Some callisthenics before bed may actually help relieve you of excess energy and allow you to get much needed rest for tomorrow, when you can make a great deal of progress. Fortunate colours are pale violet and mixed stripes. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
With the Moon transiting your twelfth house of secrets and spirituality, you may not care for the company of others today. Make an effort to feed your soul this afternoon, whether you indulge in aromatherapy, yoga or a chocolate ice cream treat. Being alone for any length of time should be therapeutic. Tell your loved ones you need some alone time and then take it! Beneficial colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The changing Moon enters sociable Gemini and your eleventh house of friends and associates, helping you to feel more frisky. Joking around with your pals will be therapeutic, so don't hesitate to join the gang. An ability to laugh at yourself will make you even more popular among your acquaintances. Good cheer abounds. Beneficial colours are electric blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Many of you will be flying the friendly skies during this time frame so don't let high traffic and flight delays ruin your mood. It should be easy to look at life as a great adventure while the Moon is passing through your ninth house of travel, but it will also be easy to become overly emotional when schedules are changed and things don't work out quite as planned. Adventurous colours are lime green and bright blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
The changing Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power today. Some Scorpions may be working towards achieving greater political power within the groups they belong to; expect challenges to your position during the next few days. Others may find that sexual tension is developing between you and a friend or associate... analyse this situation carefully. Favourable colours are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
The Moon enters your seventh house of marriage and partnerships today, activating your closest relationships. Unfortunately, there may also be power struggles under way, so be prepared for a difference of opinion. If you both truly desire positive change in your current situation, you can begin making them now. Just add a pinch of patience and a dollop of forgiveness and you should have a marvellous chance for success. Ideal colours are bright coral and light teal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
The Moon moves through your sixth house and brings situations at work to a head; there may be a sudden event that shakes up the office, but you should be free and clear of any real trouble. The real issue is the one you have most likely been avoiding: what sort of state is your health in? Have you been buying larger pants each year for the past three or four years in a row? If so, it's time for some changes. Beneficial colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Your fifth house of romance and creativity is activated by the Moon, giving you a boost of energy and a playful spirit later in the day. If you start the day feeling cranky and irritable, rest assured that by this afternoon, you'll be ready for a bit of fun. Some Water Bearers may have a hard time going to sleep this evening, when the Moon and energetic Mars combine to get creative juices flowing. If you are attempting to conceive, tonight could be the night! Fortunate colours are plum purple and bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The changeable Moon enters Gemini and your fourth house of home and family today. Take this opportunity to appreciate the comforts of home now as the pressures of your career may make it difficult for you to relax tomorrow. Curling up with a good book in your favourite chair or cuddling with your favourite family members will do wonders for your soul. Beneficial colours are mint green and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 38.
Irrational fears may nearly cripple you if you don't have faith; believe that a benevolent universe wants you to succeed in your chosen endeavours. Well-founded fears should be analysed carefully, as you may be ignoring your better judgment in favour of wishful thinking. Continue to remain in low gear as your Lunar low cycle is in full force. Propitious colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
It should be easy to please and be pleased on this friendly, high octane day. Spirits are generally optimistic, so why not plan to have some fun tonight? Get together with your mate, best friend or partner for some overdue celebrations... do something on the spur of the moment that you have always wanted to do. It will be good for your soul! Fortunate colours are lime green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 18 and 20.
Social activities are exhilarating tonight as the Moon moves through your third house. Spirited discussions with your friends will be enjoyable, even if you get a bit carried away. Expressing your feelings to someone special may be overdue, so pick up the phone or send a letter before your window of opportunity closes. Communication will strengthen your ties. Auspicious colours are canary yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 32 and 39.
If you treat your possessions with great care, they will serve you well and last a long time. Make today maintenance day for your car, appliances, computer and other things you value. The effort you expend today will pay off in the future. This is also a good day to go bargain hunting; keep an eye out for quality and value. Auspicious colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Enjoy the little things in life and watch how easy it becomes to have a joyful attitude. While the Moon passes through your fifth house of pleasure, you should take the time to indulge yourself and your loved ones in some of your favourite things. Depending on the weather, you might want to treat yourself to some ice cream if it's balmy or perhaps a hot toddy if there is a chill in the air.... enjoy the pleasures of the season. Auspicious colours are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
The Moon continues to glide through your tenth house of status, so why not make a public appearance? Show the world just how together you have your life now, regardless of how currently dissatisfied you are with the status quo. Grab your partner, mate or best friend, get yourself looking gorgeous, and get out and about! Ideal colours are sapphire blue and slate grey. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
With the Moon helping you to be a bit more footloose and carefree today, you might consider a day at the park or the beach. Leave your work for another day and enjoy the company of your favourite people. Better yet, gather everyone together for team sports or volunteer work, as today's aspects favour group efforts. Auspicious colours are maroon and khaki. Lucky numbers are 12 and 16.
This is a good day to focus on your strategy for getting ahead in life, as your life-rulers, fortunate Venus and structured Saturn come together. People in powerful positions are willing to help you, so find your opportunities and take them! Listen to those who are older and/or more experienced than you are. Learn from other people's mistakes to avoid making mistakes of your own. Excellent colours are ebony and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
Responsible Saturn and life-affirming Venus connect today, making you positive about all you think, feel and do, especially over the longer term. There is a danger of annoying others with your upbeat attitude, but you can ignore the sourpusses. Combine a sense of loving kindness with your determination to achieve your goals for the best results. Progress is yours. Fortunate colours are rose red and daisy white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
No matter how agitated you may be with a co-worker, keep your cool today. Someone may be working against you behind the scenes, but anything unscrupulous is likely to fall flat. Your own good nature and sterling reputation will serve you in good stead. People in positions of authority may be confused or even downright deceptive. Be above board in all your dealings. Ideal colours are pale aqua and blush pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
Emotions run high between partners today and you may be faced with the 'can't live with them, can't live without them' problem. Use this energy to grow closer rather than break apart. It is time to sit down together and work things out calmly and with respect. There is so much you can accomplish if you are willing to listen as much as you speak. Favourable colours are cherub pink and celadon green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Stress and tension could lead to 'Foot in Mouth Disease' for weary Archers today. Bite your tongue if you find yourself about to say something you really mean to an annoying co-worker. Instead of going out this evening, you may be better served by enjoying a quiet evening at home. Relaxing colours are mint green and powder pink. Lucky numbers are 41 and 43.
Your ninth house of travel and adventure is activated by the transiting Moon today; take this time to review and evaluate your goals and dreams. If you have the day off and the weather is fine, a short day trip may be just what the doctor ordered. You would be surprised at what interesting and amazing places often can be found within an hour's drive from your home; get out a map and target a new place to see. Adventurous colours are vivid green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
With the Moon in your house of significant others, it's time to cooperate and compromise. Powerful Scorpions need to respect their partners, so look for those with qualities of your opposite sign of Taurus for inspiration. Let all of your relationships contribute to your growth and understanding of yourself and of others. Fortunate colours are bright coral and clear green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
If you can keep from losing your cool with your co-workers and superiors, today should be very productive. You may be dealing with a lot of frustration and anxiety, but you can find relief by exercising or throwing yourself into your work. You are perceived as very intelligent and capable, even if you don't feel that way today... keep pushing and you will reach your goals. Advantageous colours are pewter and gold. Lucky numbers are 35 and 37.
Duty to yourself and others is highlighted today; remember that you cannot take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first. It's important to attend to details in your life, whether it is flossing your teeth or making sure you have watered your plants. Pets will appreciate your undivided attention, so don't forget Fluffy and Fido. Companionable colours are Wedgwood blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Your friends will be like a breath of fresh air, so enjoy spending time with those who are like-minded. One of your friends may be an especially good listener, providing an opportunity to vent your frustrations. Alternately, you may find yourself acting as a shoulder to cry on; provide your support and listen without prejudice. Beneficial colours are steel blue and old gold. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Indulge in pure pleasure as the Moon glides through your fifth house of joy today. Consider recreation as an important nutrient for your soul and find something fun to do, even if you have to work. Capricornians who have children should take the time to really play with them. They are only little for a very short time, so don't wish their childhood away. Favourable colours are royal purple and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
The reflective Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend some time alone. So begins your lunar low cycle, the time when you review the past month's events and turn inward for spiritual healing. Don't commit yourself to anything above and beyond your normal activities as you may have less energy than usual to meet your own obligations. Receptive colours are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Moon moves through your fourth house of home and family, clashing with testy Mars. Some Aquarians may find it hard to control their emotions and need an outlet. Family relationships may be cramping your style, but even the independent Water Bearer needs a sturdy foundation to lean on. Exercise your frustrations away rather than taking them out on loved ones. Beneficial colours are seaweed green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
You may be shouting 'show me the money' as you review your finances today. With the Moon moving through your second house of money, you'll need to keep an eye on your wallet. It may be that your friends or groups you belong to are causing a drain on your resources. Pay closer attention to your expenditures in the future. Advantageous colours are terracotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
You may be faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, but you are truly capable enough to meet them. Your energy is strong and your charisma is high while the Moon is in your sign. Don't allow fear or insecurity to stop you from aiming high and avoid a tendency to be your own worst enemy. Dig your heels into the ground and plan to stay put! Positive colours are ruby red and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
Your eighth house of sex, money and power is activated by the Taurus Moon today and many Librans will be tempted to indulge in forbidden pleasures or at least fantasise about them... some things are best left to the imagination. A friend may have a naughty tale or two to tell you this evening. Can you keep a secret? Indulgent colours are wine red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
With the sensitive Moon passing through your third house of communications, it may be time to talk about your feelings. Most have you have been through a lot over the past year or two and the next few years will test you on everything you have learned. Hopefully, you have learned that it is far better to express your emotions rather than hold them in until you explode. Favourable colours are pale green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 41 and 45.
This is a day to get work done and have fun while you're doing it. Those of you involved in working with children or in creative fields will feel that work is more like play today... go ahead and let your imagination flow. It's Lammas and you can be an inspiration to others, so get out there and shine! More on Lammas! Positive colours are lilac and coral. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
With the Moon in dynamic Aries, the phone just won't stop ringing. Apparently, you are required to be here, there, and everywhere all at the same time. Recruit neighbours, friends, and siblings to help you get everything done. Why do everything yourself when you can delegate? Get someone else to bake a Lammas loaf! More on Lammas! Fortunate colours are butter yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
Lively Leo is on fire with enthusiasm, as the Moon shines in fiery Aries; this is a good day for you to be among others. It's the first fruits fest of Lammas and your natural ability to entertain is enhanced, so it would be a shame for you to hide yourself away from the rest of the world. If you are currently home bound, find a simpatico group to chat with online! More on Lammas! Excellent colours are maroon and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 28.
You can expect your psychic energy to reach a monthly peak with the Moon in Aries, but financial matters may have you flip-flopping between imagination and fantasy. It's the first fruits festival of Lammas, so some of you may have prophetic dreams or dreams which reveal events from a past life... keep pen and paper ready to jot down what you remember upon awakening. More on Lammas! Advantageous colours are scarlet and raven black. Lucky numbers are 36 and 45.
It's best to spend the day trying to recuperate from the stress of the past few weeks; with your lunar low cycle in full swing, you should try to relax as much as possible. It's Lammas, or Lughnassadh, so review the events of the past month for a better idea of where you are going; you can plan a better strategy for your future this way. Dreams you have tonight may be revealing, so keep pencil and paper nearby for recording strong images. More on Lammas! Fortunate colours are coral pink and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 33.
It is easy to count your blessings, dear Fish. They seem to be increasing daily! Selfless giving becomes you, so honour your instinct to donate what you don't need to others. Donating your time and talent will also bless you as much as it blesses the recipients. Celebrate the season by sharing a Lammas loaf! More on Lammas! Advantageous colours are spring green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 20.
Enjoy warm feelings under your own roof today, as the nurturing Moon moves through your fourth house of home and family. Why not bake some bread for Lammas? Even relationships that are normally tense will be smoothed over by this energy; take advantage of this potential truce. Take pride and pleasure in your home, whether you live in a one-room apartment or a palatial mansion. Home is what you make of it. More on Lammas! Beneficial colours are mother of pearl and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
It won't hurt to be visible as the Moon moves through your tenth house of status, especially at Lammas, the first fruits fest. If you are single and want to advertise, go somewhere that is known for singles action. If you are partnered and want to show off the love in your life, attend an outdoor concert or community event. This is a good time to make a strong impression on the public and authority figures. More on Lammas! Auspicious colours are mink brown and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
It's Lammas, and although you might feel the need to recover from the Saturday Night Fever, this could still be a great day for the fun-loving Ram. Don't sit inside and watch the world go by. If the weather is good, this is a great time to participate in team or group sports. Go cycling with a friend or play ball with your pals in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Romance is also favoured by today's aspects, so consider planning an evening under the stars. More on Lammas! Favourable colours are sunny yellow and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
This should be an enjoyable day as Mars energizes your house of committed relationships. Thanks heavens, after the upsets of recent times! Do something nice with your mate, who will appreciate your time and attention, so make time to celebrate Lammas together. Even if you have a lot of work to do, it can be made pleasant today. More on Lammas! Beneficial colours are wild strawberry and light tan. Lucky numbers are 16 and 34.
Many hands make light work, so gather your friends to assist you today. Share a freshly baked loaf, as it's the old festival of Lammas today. If you have a friend in need, don't hesitate to offer your services. You'll be surprised how much fun moving, or painting walls can be when everyone works together as a team. Consider leading a group to perform a community service, such as picking up trash or serving food to the homeless. More on Lammas! Beneficial colours are Pacific blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
Take care of your health today by eating right and getting fresh air and exercise. You may also need to find time for organizing your personal belongings... when was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet? Check the expiration dates on all medicines, vitamins and food in your home. Also, test your drinking water; you may want to install a filter. Take care of your social health too, by celebrating Lammas with a freshly-baked loaf of yummy bread. More on Lammas! Advantageous colours are nude and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 19.

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