You are the most important person in you childs life. A scary idea maybe, but theres no getting around it. Your relationship with your child matters far more than genes do. This is great news: it means we parents can be enormously positive influence in our childrens lives, from conception onwards.
Robin Grille says "I wrote this book because I want to convey the message that the way a society supports its parents and the way we collectively relate to our children are keys to creating a better world and that parenting is not so much about getting it right but that it can be an adventure, an intensive and transformative journey of the heart and spirit."
A very different how to book for parents, Heart to Heart Parenting is more than just tips for raising happy and responsible children, it aims to encourage parents to create a lasting relationship with their children and will help parents to trust their inbuilt parenting wisdom; gain insights into how they can use their own experiences of childhood (both painful and happy) in their parenting develop an understanding of their babies and toddlers needs; and how to set boundaries with their children without resorting to shaming, manipulation or punishment.
Parenting has the potential to be the most fulfilling thing we will ever do. Our children challenge us like no one else every will yet, if we let them, they make us better people. Even the mistake we make as parents, if acknowledged honesty, can bring forward a closer and more trusting relationship with our children.
Robin Grille is an Australian psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice, with over fifteen years experience working with children and families. He is known for his articles on child development, parenting issues and family relationships, which have been published in Australia, USA, Canada, South Africa and Israel.
Heart to Heart Parenting
ABC Books
Author: Robin Grille
ISBN: 9780733322983
Price: Paperback RRP: $35.00