The world's largest and most important Conference on human happiness brings together over 50 renowned speakers from across the globe, including:

-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and one of the world's most respected spiritual leaders

-Dr Jane Goodall, DBE, UK - Acclaimed primatologist, environmentalist and UN Messenger of Peace

-Matthieu Ricard, Nepal - Inspiring French monk, photographer, author and acclaimed humanitarian

-Dr Paul Ekman, USA - Renowned for his work on the recognition of emotions across cultures

-Professor Marco Iacoboni, USA - Pioneered the research on mirror neurons, the 'smart cells' in our brain that allow us to understand others

-Dr Robert Biswas-Diener, USA - The Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology

-Michael J Gelb, USA - Pioneer in the fields of creative thinking, accelerated learning and innovative leadership; Best-selling Author, How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

-B. Alan Wallace, USA - Renowned Author, Genuine Happiness: Meditation as the Path to Fulfillment

-Chief Dan Daly, USA - Veteran of 9/11, retired Battalion Chief from the New York City Fire Department

-Professor Mary Ann Mason, USA - Renowned Author, Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation can Balance Family and Careers

-Roko Belic, USA - Award winning documentary filmmaker

-Inspiring Australian personalities including: Wally Lewis, Dr Sarah Edelman, Professor Pat McGorry, Dr Russ Harris, Professor Tim Sharp, Maggie Beer, Dr Rosemary Stanton, Bettina Arndt, Maggie Hamilton, Jeremy 'Yongurra' Donovan, Margaret Pomeranz, David Stratton and many more!


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