A seven time World Champion Surfer, Layne Beachley experienced the struggle of turning her passion into a career. It was for this reason that she set up the Layne Beachley Aim for the Stars Foundation, which provides financial and moral assistance to girls and women across Australia to help them realise their dreams in sporting, academic, community or cultural pursuits.

Now the Layne Beachley Aim for the Stars Foundation is seeking a new group of Australian girls and women for their 2011 grants program.

In its eighth year, the foundation has already supported the dreams of 167 girls and women including a glider pilot, marine biologist, race car driver, violinist, figure skater, rodeo rider and Para Olympian with grants totaling $300,000.

Applications for 2011 grants are now open and the Foundation is inviting girls and women across Australia whether they are an academic, an athlete, an artist or even an archaeologist to apply. An opportunity exists for all females striving to achieve their goals.


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