Girl's Guide to Turning your Idea into a Business

Girl's Guide to Turning your Idea into a Business

'Girl's Guide to Turning your Idea into a Business' is the essential guide for women who want to work from themselves.

Melissa Seymour offers advice and her extensive experience to help anyone to succeed in the business world. This book takes you through everything you need to know about:
* preparing a real business plan
* marketing yourself and your business for maximum effect
* looking after yourself during stressful times
* managing relationships with partners, investers, accountants and lawyers

It's packed and fun to read. A must for women who are already in business or thinking about starting up.

Melissa Semour is a successful businesswoman and mother. She has been in business for 10 years and now owns several successful enterprises.

She left her life as an employee to buy a model agency which she grew and eventually sold for a lot more than what she paid for it. She now has a marketing/PR business, which focuses on major recording artists and fashion labels. She is also Executive Chairman of the 'beachmour' Private Residence Fund.

Girl's Guide to Turning your Idea into a Business
New Holland Publishers
Author: Melissa Seymour
RRP: $29.95

'Girl's Guide to Turning your Idea into a Business' has everything you need to know about:

Getting Started
* Buying an established business
* Starting a new business from scratch
* Franchise

The Business Plan
* Financial Plans
* Understanding accounting mumbo jumbo

Managing You
* Setting boundaries around the business
* Coping with stress

The Tricky Relationships between Parnters and Investors
* Partnership agreements
* Investors/business angels

Managing Your Business
* Creating the right management systems
* Professional services - the rules of engagement
* Supplying goods or services
* Insuring your business

Sales, Marketing and Communications
* Image, advertising and public relations
* Identifying your market
* Writing proposals

Selling Up, Bootoming Out and Moving On
* Staying when a new owner takes over
* How to sell your business


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