According to new research* nearly two thirds of young Aussie guys claim to have sensitive skin - which may be unlucky for the eight out of ten women who said they would find signs such as facial redness, flaking, rashes or bumps a turn off in men. The study conducted by Gillette found that sporting moresevere sensitive skin symptoms would cause eight out of ten guys to feel embarrassed, self-conscious orfrustrated and close to half (46%) to postpone a first date.
With women being turned off and potentially stood up, it's time to help men out! There are a number ofthings that women can do to help their man lift his grooming game and thankfully almost two thirds(64%) are confident that he would listen to their advice. Leading Australian dermatologist, Dr Lim,provides some tips.
o Not surprisingly, 60 percent of guys put signs of sensitive skin down to shaving, but shaving-related skinissues are often the result of incorrect shaving technique or using dull or poor quality blades. Usingfresh, good quality blades will result in a much closer, more comfortable shave. Storing the razor in thebathroom cabinet is a good way to prolong the life of the blades as it's away from moisture andwandering women's hands!
Gillette tip: With a 5-blade suspension system that adjusts to the contours of your skin to reduceirritation, Gillette Fusion is the razor most recommended by US dermatologists1. The five blades arespaced together to help reduce pressure for a more comfortable shave. An Enhanced Lubrastrip whichfades from blue to white signals when shaving conditions are no longer optimal, reducing the risk ofirritation due to dull blades.
o Contrary to the way women shave their legs, guys should shave with the grain to start with and thenback against it if necessary. Rarely does facial hair grow in the one direction, so help him map out eachstroke. Get him to grow some stubble and then use a mirror to see which way the hair is growing ineach area. Those with really sensitive skin and a susceptibility to in-grown hairs should be careful ofover-shaving and shaving against the grain as it may aggravate the condition. Mastering his shavingtechnique will help avoid nasty bumps and lumps.

o Encourage your partner to take a few minutes to step up his skincare routine. Beard hair can be astough as copper wire, so it's important to leave gel on for at least a minute or two before shaving toreduce the cutting force. Applying an alcohol free moisturiser after shaving will also help replenish andrehydrate the skin, resulting in smoother, more comfortable skin.
Gillette tip: The Gillette Fusion HydraGel Pure + Sensitive helps protect the skin during the shavingprocess and is great for men with sensitive skin. Follow the shave by applying the Gillette Series Afterthe-Shave Moisturiser to help rehydrate the skin, leaving it feeling smooth and comfortable.
o Remind him to avoid shaving before prolonged periods in the sun, surf or playing sport. Shaving opensthe pores and perspiration can increase the chance of irritation.
o Four-in-ten guys who suffer from sensitive skin have grown stubble or facial hair to cover symptoms, suggesting that 'designer stubble' may be the male answer to concealer. Don't fall for it. Find outwhat's missing in your partners routine and help him address it.
Top ten tips for avoiding sensitive skin - by Dr. Adrian Lim * Take your time and avoid rushing the shave.
* Mastering your shaving technique will help avoid nasty bumps and lumps.
* Use a mirror or get your partner to map out the direction of hair growth - you will find it rarely grows the one way. Each stroke should follow the direction of growth. Combining a good shaving technique with fresh, quality blades such as the Gillette Fusion, will help reduce pressure and irritation.
* Those with really sensitive skin and a susceptibility to in-grown hairs should be careful of over-shaving and shaving against the grain as it may aggravate the condition.
* Avoid using harsh soaps and over-scrubbing the skin as this will contribute to skin irritation.
* Use a gentle cleanser to remove grit and grime and prepare the skin for a smoother shave.
* Its important to leave gel on for at least a minute or two before shaving to soften the facial hair and reduce the cutting force, such as the Gillette Fusion HydraGel Pure + Sensitive.
* Applying an alcohol free moisturiser, such as the Gillette After-the-Shave Moisturiser which has proven performance on sensitive skin. This will help replenish and rehydrate the skin, resulting in smoother, more comfortable skin.
* Avoid shaving before prolonged periods in the sun, surf or playing sport. Shaving opens the pores and perspiration can increase the chance of irritation.
* Avoid sun burns - always use sunscreen when outdoors with sun exposure.
Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel Pure + Sensitive 200ml (RRP $6.99)
Gillette Fusion Gamer Manual (RRP $12.59)
Gillette Series After-the-Shave Moisturiser (RRP $10.99)
These products are available now from leading supermarkets and pharmacies.
*The independent survey was conducted nationally by Pure Profile on behalf of Gillette in May 2010. A total of 1008 adults between theages of 18-35 were surveyed.
1 Based on a P&G of US Dermatologists conducted in Feb 2010.
Inspired by the science of shaving, Gillette has a range of products designed to provide great performanceon sensitive skin. Even the most inexperienced groomers will be able to incorporate these products intotheir shaving routine.
Dr Adrian Lim is in high demand as one of Australia's leading dermatological experts. An experienced professional practitioner, he is aFellow of both the Australian College of Dermatologists and the Australasian College of Phlebology and has published research and givenpresentations both at home in Sydney, and further afield. He practises cosmetic dermatology from uRepublic - Cosmetic Skin and LaserClinic in Sydney's CBD.