Georgia Foster, leading clinical hypnotherapist and alcohol control specialist behind the Drink Less Mind (DLM) program, will be visiting Australia this February to host DLM workshops guaranteed to help people understand why their relationship with alcohol derails so early on in the year.
With the New Year comes new promises; a chance to start afresh with all those 2015 resolutions you promised to keep, like vowing to have a more moderate relationship with alcohol.
Sounds easy enough, but why is it that at the beginning of January we're able to keep our New Year's Resolutions – eat healthier, workout more, or drink less alcohol – until our self-control wears off as the month wears on?
Using the power of inner dialogue psychology, Georgia's Drink Less Mind seminars will train the mind to cut back on booze, and continue to do so in a paced way.
According to Georgia, the problem comes when alcohol is used habitually as an emotional crutch " to be confident, more fun, or to forget. Rather than block out this behaviour, Georgia helps to address one's unhealthy relationship with alcohol and develop new approaches to stress and social situations; ones revolved around enjoyment, not regret, and ones that are less damaging to their health.
'The trouble is many of us use alcohol as a tool to communicate," says Georgia.
'In nearly every instance, alcoholics must stop drinking completely, but excessive drinkers require a different form of -treatment' focused on self-awareness, breaking bad habits, and learning how to socialise without using alcohol as a crutch."
The DLM is a 21-day instantly accessible, fully downloadable, audio experience that teaches alcohol hypnosis techniques based on over 20 years of alcohol control research.
'I believe alcohol is the symptom not the cause of heavy drinking. It is the thinking before the drinking that needs to be dealt with. My seminars are for those who recognise their drinking behaviour interferes in their lives in negative ways and are at a stage where they want to deal with this," says Foster.
'It's incredible to see how the power of the mind can hold you back from changing habits like reducing your drinking."
The Drink Less Mind workshops will take place in Sydney and Melbourne, and will be jam packed with conscious and unconscious tools to help men and women drink less.
Georgia's Key Seminar Dates are:
Sydney - Saturday 21st February 2015 10AM – 3.45PM - Adina Apartment Hotel, 511 Kent Street.
Melbourne - Saturday 28th February 2015, 10AM – 3.45PM - Vibe Savoy Hotel Melbourne, 630 Little Collins Street, Melbourne.
For more information about the Drink Less Mind Program:
Question: What is Drink Less Mind (DLM)?
Georgia Foster: The Drink Less Mind is a self-help on-line program that educates the individual as to why they drink more than they want to. It is a unique combination of The Inner Dialogue theory along with powerful hypnotic techniques.
Question: Do you agree with alcohol detoxes such as Feb Fast and Dry July?
Georgia Foster: I think taking a break from alcohol is a good thing for anyone to do. However, my concern is that for many it is relatively easy to abstain completely, however cutting back can prove to be more difficult.
Question: Why did you decide to create Drink Less Mind (DLM)?
Georgia Foster: I became very frustrated as a therapist that people were being labelled -alcoholics and problem drinkers' but there was no real answer apart from abstaining or long term counselling. My client base are hardworking people who have just got themselves in a drinking rut. I believe most people are not alcoholics but rather use alcohol as a coping strategy for low self-esteem, social and emotional anxiety just to name a few.
Question: Could you please define drinking to excess?
Georgia Foster: The standard measurement is 14 glasses of wine a week for women and 21 for men. However, many people may not know that this figure is not based on any medical fact but rather what the Medical Association decided on. They did a study on how much people lie on their medical forms about how much they consume. The reality is they believe people drink 3 times or more than they tell their doctor. So with this in mind they set a very low guideline.
You can drink more than that safely. The important thing is to drink in a slow paced way, make sure you eat and hydrate yourself with water too.