Single Volunteers, which was featured on Channel Nines Today Show this morning, was created by m.a.d.woman to encourage and inspire people to make a positive difference to the community and environment.

m.a.d.woman CEO and Founder Melina Schamroth says the unique program has been as success. Waiting lists of around 800 for some events have shown that time-poor people want to give back as well as meet others who share that interest.

During the year, Single Volunteers aged 25-45 have taken part in:
-Cooking for a Cause - cooked about 8000 meals for hungry and homeless people in Melbourne with partner Fare Share. The meals were cooked using rescued food that would otherwise have gone to landfill.

-Gardening for Good regenerated garden beds at a special garden for disadvantaged and disabled youth at CERES Community Garden and planting trees with Conservation Volunteers

-Deeds for Dialysis putting together packs for 700 patients undergoing dialysis while awaiting a kidney transplant.

People of all ages wanting to make a difference have also helped m.a.d.woman by:

-Raising funds to power a Midwife on a Motorbike in Timor Leste through Marie Stopes International
-Raising funds for sexual health and reproduction packs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
-Buying copies of the m.a.d.woman books How to be m.a.d. (making a difference) and m.a.d. (making a difference) in a green way. the books are printed on recycled paper using soy ink and a waterless process and half the profits go towards funding social and environmental programs.
-Composting using the Earthmaker compost bin, which not only produces twice as much compost as a traditional compost bin, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Good for the garden great for the planet!


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