Friendships and Memories

Friendships and Memories

Friendships and Memories

Cast your mind back to primary school. Who was the funniest kid in your class? Who could run the fastest? Who did you think would end up being an actor, a dancer or even a doctor? Who made you feel happy when you were feeling sad? Who was your favourite teacher? What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you? If you, like most adults, have trouble recalling the detail you'll love to buy your kids a Friendships & Memories book so they can write down such information and keep their memories forever.

Designed by a mum with curious daughters, Friendships & Memories was created to enable children to keep their memories vivid throughout their lives. "My daughters were really curious about what my life was like at their age. I had a general memory and some things were very clear, but a lot of the finer detail had faded over the years," explains creator, Paulette Scrivano. "I just couldn't remember what my favourite food was or what we did on camp or who had a crush on who. I wish I'd had this book when I was in primary school. At least my daughters will be able to keep their memories forever."

The Friendships & Memories book can be used all throughout primary school but is particularly great for capturing details about friends when your child is in grade six. After primary school many of your child's friends will go to different schools and in some cases move to different states or even countries. The friendships formed in primary school are so important as they're the first real friendships in a child's life. This book will make sure your child never forgets them!

Friendships & Memories will be a great resource if your child has a school reunion in later life. They will be able to take it along and remind their friends of the stuff they got up to. And if they ever have their own children they'll be able to share what life was like in their primary school years. It will soon become a treasured keepsake!

Friendships & Memories can also be used as a fundraiser for your child's school. Speak to your school about ordering a box.

Friendships and Memories
Price: $22.00




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