FITT Executive Forum 2016

The fundamental issue facing Australia's IT market today is the distinct lack of students taking on IT studies and pursuing careers in the IT and digital spaces… and in doing so, helping Australia to compete at the forefront of innovation nationally and internationally.


Australia's Chief Scientist Alan Finkel noted recently that, 'The most striking finding in my mind is the range of occupations that people with STEM qualifications have pursued. We have people with physics doctorates working as financial analysts. We have chemistry graduates running farms and making wine. We have ICT graduates planning cities. There are no limits on what a STEM graduate can do, and we shouldn't impose them."


'Do we impose them? I suspect we do, perhaps particularly on women with the talent and passion for STEM….


'Our STEM community, and most of all our young people, should be given every encouragement to find new applications for their skills across the economy. Our best future is a future that builds on technology, innovation, ideas and imagination. It is a future with STEM. And it is a future that is ours to build."


Come and join with like-minded STEAM professionals at FITT's Inaugural -FITT Executive Forum' to start the conversation about how we can encourage today's students and graduates to become the future STEAM leaders of our nation – and the world.


This event will feature a keynote presentation by David Thodey, Chair of the Commonwealth Science, Industry & Research Organisation, Chair of Jobs NSW and former Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Telstra.


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