Keep pet fish without going near the water
Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS as part of the Zen Games series
Imagine keeping your fish tank and pet fish in you pocket and then imaginekeeping your fish tank with your pet blue whale in your bag. Impossible? Notanymore, thanks to Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS.
Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS are simulation games that allow theplayer to keep fish in a tank. Just like keeping fish in real life, the playermust feed their fish, clean the tanks and ensure that the fish are happy intheir environment.
Aquarium by DS allows the player to keep the usual types of fish that one wouldfind in a fish tank including Clown Fish, Angelfish, Neon Tetra and Guppy. WhileFantasy Aquarium by DS allows the player to keep fish which could never be keptas pets in a tank such as Blue Whales, Dolphins, Seals and Penguins.
There are more than 30 varieties of fish to choose from in both Aquarium by DSand Fantasy Aquarium by DS plus more can be unlocked though looking after yourfish well. The player can also name their pet fish and allow their fish to playin their friends aquarium via WiFi.
If the player doesnt switch their DS on for a few days and the fish are notcared for or if the environment is wrong they die and disappear from the tank.And if the wrong combination of fish are added the consequences can be lethal;for example if the player puts a killer whale in the same tank as a penguin, theKiller whale may well 'pick up a penguin'.
Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS published by Mercury Games.
Feature List
Create your own personalised fish tank
Two versions available - Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS
Pick from more than 30 fishes to populate your tank
Swap your fish with your friends using the DS Wi-Fi feature - allowing your fishto play in your friends aquarium
Decorate the backdrops and features of your tank
Unlock extra fish and props to use in the game
Control all aspects of your aquarium, size, water temp and salinity to create the perfect environment for your fishes
Care for your fish, make sure they are fed and that the tank is clean
Aquarium by DS

Fantasy Aquarium by DS