Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate!
Make an ordinary day extraordinary when Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! brings more than 50 Disney characters, to Australia for one colossal party on ice! This action-packed, all-new show features a magical montage of celebrations and is set to a blend of contemporary music and favorite Disney songs.
Produced by Feld Entertainment, Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! is opening in Wollongong on 14 June and travels to Newcastle, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide until 22 July.
Join Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse as they celebrate a Very Merry Unbirthday Party with Alice and the Mad Hatter; Mardi Gras with Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen; a Royal Valentine's Day Ball with the Disney Princesses; a Hawaiian luau with Lilo & Stitch; a winter wonderland with Woody, Jessie and Buzz Lightyear; a Halloween haunt with the Disney Villains and more in the celebration of the century. Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! is sure to be one action-packed and positively unforgettable celebration!
Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! gives families a reason to celebrate no matter what time of year it is," says Producer Kenneth Feld. "This uplifting and unforgettable spectacle showcases different celebrations around the globe, and families will walk away remembering to celebrate the everyday joys and successes in their lives."
"Audiences are going to love this colossal celebration," says Producer Nicole Feld. "We take the most exciting holidays and special events and pack them into one monumental show. You can travel the world in style and experience all the fun and excitement with your favourite Disney characters, including Princess Tiana."

Ticket Prices: Starting at just $28.50 for B Reserve, to $69.50 for Front Row Seats (Group and Concession prices also available for nominated shows).
Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate!2012 National Tour Dates
Wollongong - WIN Entertainment Centre 14 - 17 June (Thurs - Sun)
Newcastle - Newcastle Entertainment Centre 21 - 24 June (Thurs - Sun)
Brisbane - Brisbane Entertainment Centre 28 June - 1 July (Thurs - Sun)
Melbourne - Hisense Arena, Melbourne 4 - 9 July (Wed - Mon)
Sydney - Allphones Arena, Sydney Olympic Park 11 - 16 July (Wed - Mon)
Adelaide - Adelaide Entertainment Centre 19 - 22 July (Thurs - Sun)
Purchase tickets from Ticketek: 132 849 or
www.ticketek.com.au/disneyonice For more information on
Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! visit
Interview with Tetona Jackson
Question: How did you feel when you were told you had been cast in the role of Princess Tiana?
Tetona Jackson: There are no words to describe my level of excitement when I was told that I had been cast as Princess Tiana. I was honoured that they had thought of me and decided to cast me for the role before the movie had even opened in theatres.
Question: Can you tell us about your character, Princess Tiana?
Tetona Jackson: Princess Tiana is such a high-spirited character. She has a lot of sass and spunk and is such a hard worker. Her story sets her apart from the other Disney Princesses because it takes place closer to modern times in New Orleans.
Question: How are you and your character, Princess Tiana, alike?
Tetona Jackson: Princess Tiana and I have similar personalities. We're both very bubbly and sassy people. We're also alike because we both worked extremely hard in life to achieve our dreams. Princess Tiana is a hard worker and I love that characteristic about her.
Question: How would you describe Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate!?
Tetona Jackson: Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! is a very high-energy show and a ton of fun to watch! The show takes you on an adventure celebrating different holidays such as Halloween with Jack Skellington and Mardi Gras with Tiana and Naveen. Then in the second act, you get to go around the world with Minnie and Mickey to celebrate holidays such as the Chinese New Year with Mulan and Shang, and a Brazilian Carnival! With over 50 Disney characters there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Question: What type of training and experience have you had leading up to your role in Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate!?
Tetona Jackson: Prior to my role as Princess Tiana, I trained and competed as a figure skater for 12 years. I was then offered a role as Taylor Mckessie on Disney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour. It was a unique role for me to portray because like Taylor, I was also 18 years old and it was my summer after graduating high school too. I toured with that show for two years until it closed in 2009. That was when I was offered my role on Disney On Ice presents Let's Celebrate! as Princess Tiana.
Question: What is the best thing about performing in ice skating shows, worldwide?
Tetona Jackson: The best part about performing worldwide is of course being able to travel the world. Not many people can say that they were able to visit so many places, especially being able to travel doing what they love to do.
Question: What training goes into a Disney On Ice role?
Tetona Jackson: When opening a new show and learning your character, there is a great deal of training and rehearsing involved. Before the show opened, we dedicated six days a week for 5-6 weeks to rehearsing.
This included pair training with my partner Marc-Olivier Delorme-English. I also went through character training with Director Patty Vincent and worked on choreography with Choreographer Cindy Stuart.
Question: When and what originally inspired you to begin ice skating?
Tetona Jackson: My first experience ever stepping foot on the ice was around Christmas time when I was five years old. My mother had taken me to Universal City Walk with my aunt and my cousin. Just before we were about to leave, I spotted the huge Christmas tree and the outdoor skating rink that's set up every year for Christmas. I was ecstatic and begged my mom to let me rent some skates and get on the ice. After she finally gave in, I got on the ice and it just came naturally to me. It was as if I was born to skate. I didn't fall once. Also, it just so happened that the news station was there and interviewed me. I ended up being on the news that night! The rest is history…
Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Tetona Jackson: Yes. I actually did end up quitting last year in August to come home and pursue my career as a dancer/singer/actress. It was a very hard decision to make, but I am very passionate about all three of those things in addition to skating and knew it was time to start my new career.
Question: Is it true you're staring in an upcoming episode of Glee?
Tetona Jackson: I am not staring in the episode, but I will be dancing in an upcoming episode of Glee which I believe is scheduled to air on the 15th of May.
Question: What can you share with us about the episode?
Tetona Jackson: The episode takes place during the national competition. I am one of the dancers on the Vocal Adrenaline team who will be competing against New Directions at Nationals.
Question: What do you do to relax?
Tetona Jackson: Honestly, I usually pop some popcorn, rent a movie and relax with my fiancé. Both of us have crazy, hectic schedules, so we take advantage of any time we get to hang out and have some down time.
Question: What's a typical day like, for you?
Tetona Jackson: Every day is different. When I'm at home working on my dancing singing and acting, my days are pretty unpredictable. I try to juggle the studio, auditions, classes, and teaching. If I'm on the road with Disney On Ice, it just depends what city we're in that week. Either way, I'm kept on my toes.
Question: Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy and enjoyable life?
Tetona Jackson: 1.Surround yourself with good hearted and supportive people who you enjoy hanging out with.
2.Take it a day at a time and try not to stress about the little things in life.
3.Eat healthy and exercise. But, junk food is definitely OK once in a while!
4.Work daily to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and never tell yourself that it's impossible. Everything is possible if you really believe and work at it.
5.Live everyday to the fullest. You only get one life so enjoy it!
Question: Do you have a website?
Tetona Jackson: I do not have a website but I do have a Facebook Fan Page and a Twitter account. You can find me on Facebook under Tetona Jackson and you can follow me on twitter under
@taydancrInterview by Brooke Hunter