Crazy Sh*t In Asia

Crazy Sh*t In Asia

Asia"Exotic one day; Dangerous the next.

Asia"Exotic one day; dangerous the next. Renown for cheap, offbeat adventures, Asia is abundant with amazing cuisine and welcoming people. But there is a dark, dangerous side to this top tourist destination. Sinking Bintangs in Bali, riding an elephant in Thailand or cruising the Mekong in Cambodia"what could possibly go wrong?

Crazy Sh*t In Asia is a collection of hilarious, dangerous, nail biting, downright embarrassing and sometimes poignant tales of adventures that went horribly wrong that might encourage you to take the road less trekked on your next holiday"or not!

Matt Towner set out to explore the world where he was inspired to write about travelling tales through the people he met along the way. Since then he's published a number of stories including 'The Pocket Book Guide to Byron Bay,' 'The Gemstone Book of Runes,' 'Crystal Carvings,' 'Opal Magic,' 'Rasto Roo,' 'Bris Vegas' and 'Positive Investments.' He is also the author of 'Abroad, Broke and Busted"Travelers' Tales from Around the World.'

Crazy Sh*t In Asia
Author: Matt Towner


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