Corey White – X-Ray

Corey White – X-Ray

Corey White returns for his second solo show older, fatter and mre exhausted.

Corey's comedy festival debut was a tour de force that bought a new voice to the comedy scene. While others were talking about chatty uber drivers and 'what is it with all the beards these days?', Corey managed to weave an hour of stand-up comedy from his early life of abuse and grief as the child of a heroin addict and a client of our broken foster care system.

The show was confronting and hilarious in equal measure and scored Corey the best newcomer nomination, an Australian Story episode and deals for a book and his own TV show.

His TV show premiered this year. "Passionate & intelligent," (SMH) Roadmap To Paradise attempted to provide positive solutions to huge problems and earned him critical praise while also managing to get an audience to listen and engage positively in our increasingly polarised world. "Part of Roadmap's unique approach is its unflinching discussion of topics that are frequently avoided for their taboo nature. Indeed, White discusses his own intensely personal experiences with drugs, domestic violence and the foster care system in an engaging and honest manner." (The Adelaide Review)

He also has a book in the works, slated for release through Penguin, and he even shared a set with Corey Bernardi on ABC's Q&A.

Now it's four years on from his ground-breaking debut and Corey finds himself 30 years old and recently engaged, struggling to stay healthy and keep the house tidy. His second show, X-Ray will be a little different his first, not fancy or sad. It will definitely be funny.

With his deep sense empathy and a remarkable intellect, Corey feels like a comedian who was purpose built for 2019. He revels in the tangles of the world, is comforted by knowing what he doesn't know and is definitely glad that his day job is making people laugh rather than having to actually fix the world's problems.

Since returning to the clubs to work up this show the buzz is building – Corey is back in town and this show will be unmissable.

Dates: Thursday 28 March – Sunday 21 April (No Mondays)
Preview dates: Thu 28 – Sun 31 March
Time: Tuesday – Saturday 8:15pm, Sunday 7:15pm
Venue: The Greek Centre – Mykonos
Ticket Prices: $25 - $29


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