1 Year of Mr Muscle Cleaning Products

1 Year of Mr Muscle Cleaning Products

Clean away! Win one of 2 x a year's supply of Mr Muscle cleaning products valued at $75.00 each!

Mr Muscle® Touch Up Cleaner prevents small messes from becoming big chores. Available in an attractive bottle, Mr Muscle® Touch Up Cleaner is designed to be left on the kitchen bench or bathroom sink, and cleans everyday kitchen messes like dirt, grease, and food stains from surfaces such as countertops, sinks and appliances.

Mr Muscle® Touch Up Cleaner can be used with paper towels, tissues, cleaning cloths and toilet paper to effectively clean and shine toilets, counters, sinks, sealed marble, fixtures, chrome, glazed porcelain, finished wood, glazed ceramic tiles, sealed granite, and more.


Julie Goodwin in her kitchen

Take preventative measures
I like to try and avoid messes in the first place!  Covering dishes in the microwave stops splattering, and keeping ingredients stored properly in the pantry reduces spillage.  Of course, some messes are unavoidable so I keep a bottle of Mr. Muscle Touch Up Cleaner handy so I can clean up mess as it happens.

Ask your family to pitch in
Many hands make light work!  My boys have helped clean up after dinner since they were small, doing jobs appropriate for their age.  Now they don't need any help at all, they pitch in after dinner and get the job done.

Clean as you go
I like to clean as I go.  I run a sink of washing-up water before I start cooking and whenever there's a little wait in the cooking process I can get on with the cleaning up.  I make sure the benches are cleaned with Mr. Muscle Touch Up Cleaner to keep them clean and sanitised.

Planning Meals
A time-saving tip for busy families is to plan meals ahead of time. I also cook on Sundays for the week ahead.  Shopping to a plan saves money too. 

Manage your food more efficiently
Food storage is important to avoid waste.  Keeping the fridge clean and uncluttered means it runs more efficiently and keeps food fresh for longer.  I like to wipe up any spills as soon as they happen with Mr. Muscle Touch Up Cleaner, before they become a glued-on mess and a much bigger job.

Barramundi with Mango Salsa

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5-7 minutes

This is an easy and delicious way to take advantage ofmangoes when they are in season.  Other firm-fleshed white fish can be substituted for the barramundi.


1 mango, diced into 1cm cubes
1 small red chilli, deseeded
1 shallot (spring onion), finely sliced
1 tablespoon finely chopped red capsicum
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 teaspoon olive oil or olive oil spray
4 x 150g barramundi fillets


  • Combine the mango, chilli, shallot, capsicum, pepper and lime juice.
  • Heat a large chef's pan or BBQ hotplate to a medium heat and spray or wipe with oil.
  • Place the barramundi fillets in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes or until golden and cooked about halfway through the fish.  Turn carefully and cook for a couple of minutes.  Cooking time will depend on the size of the fillets.  Remember that the fish will continue to cook for a few minutes after removing from the heat so be careful not to overcook it. 
    Season lightly with salt.
  • Serve the salsa over the fish. Lovely with rice and salad


For more information: www.juliegoodwin.com.au

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