Thanks to Dreambaby®, here is your chance to win one of 6 x Dreambaby® Mother's Day packs valued at $43.70 including:
2 x The Dreambaby® Brass Sliding Window Lock (L166)
2 x Sliding Doors & Window Lock (L806)
2 x Dreambaby® Window Latch (L168)
DreamBaby® are proud supporters of the recent changes to the National Construction Code, as ruled by the Australian Building Codes Board, stating; "All new homes that are over two meters off ground level must be fitted with window locks or safety screens, to prevent children falling out of open windows."
These changes in building code practices which come into effect as of May 2012, are welcome news to parenting groups, medical practitioners and specialists as well as young families.
The increase in falling accidents and deaths has rapidly increased over the past decade, due to an increase in apartment living, particularly for young Australian families. A five-year audit of trauma cases at the Sydney Children's Hospital released in December 2010 found that, while serious injuries for children had declined overall, falls from windows had risen.
The Director of Trauma and a Professor of Pediatric Surgery at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, Danny Cass, is a strong supporter of the new changes to building codes was one of the prime instigators of this motion, urging window locks and barriers to be compulsory in new homes.
"The recognition that children could access windows and easily climb or fall out of them was a win for commonsense. Before, they thought a kid couldn't climb that high but they often pull things up to it, or beds are placed next to it," Cass says, as quoted in a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald, 3rd February 2012.
Dreambaby®, the child safety expert brand are very supportive of these new changes in the National Construction Code and will continue to design and manufacture window locks which are easy to use, practical and affordable for all Australian families.
"With too many children at risk of falling from their own homes, this new ruling means a brighter and safer future for children who live in apartments and multi level dwellings" comments Carolyn Ziegler, Director of Product Development for Dreambaby®.

Dreambaby® Brass Sliding Window Lock (L166) RRP $9.95 is the latest addition to the extensive Dreambaby® lock range. This lock can be easily fitted (no drilling required) to most horizontal and vertical aluminum sliding windows (with Allen key provided). This stylish window lock ensures safety by limiting the opening space. Position the lock when installing so that it opens no wider than 10cm.
Existing Dreambaby® products on the market include the
Sliding Doors & Window Lock (L806) RRP $5.95 for use on most sliding doors, including glass and other surfaces and windows. This lock helps limit openings while still allowing fresh air flow. It's easily disengaged when little ones are not around and at risk.
A further product, the Dreambaby®
Window Latch (L168) RRP $5.95 helps secure and limit windows opening too. Easily fitted to most outward opening windows, this lock can be retrofitted to ensure your window openings are free from danger.
"We have worked extensively with Westmead and have been a large part of the working group by helping to organise a window safety symposium, 'Kids Can't Fly'. We are so pleased the National Construction Code has included these important and lifesaving changes," said Ziegler.
For more information visit the Dreambaby® web site at or call (02) 9386 4000 or in New Zealand, call (09) 274 8788.
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