Sunny Queen Natural Grain Cage Free eggs are laid by hens that really rule the roost. They are free to roam inside large, open sided barns where they can spread their wings, perch and lay their eggs in nests.
According to Julie Proctor from Sunny Queen, the new Natural Grain Cage Free eggs are also really good value for money."Natural Grain Cage Free eggs are only about 60 cents a dozenmore than your normal cage eggs," Julie said. "That's just an extrafive cents for each egg - which means you can choose a cage freeegg with only a small increase in the price you're used to paying forcage eggs."
"The new eggs are good for you too. The hens are fed on a diet of natural, ripe, Australiangrains which are 100% free of animal protein, resulting in a delicious egg with abeautiful golden yolk."
The new Sunny Queen eggs are designed to offer people more affordableegg choices.
"We did research which showed many Australians would prefer a cage freeegg but can't afford the extra money for barn laid or free range.
"So the Sunny Queen team has created a new cage free farming practiceinvolving automated feeding and egg collection, while the hensroam freely through a sunlit barn, and lay affordable, fresh, naturalgrain Cage Free eggs," Julie said.
"There is actually a fair gap in price between cage eggs andexisting barn laid and free range eggs - around $2.00 more a dozen.And that's a lot for some families to pay each shop when they'realready struggling to put food on the table for their kids."
With an RRP from only $4.69/doz and $2.69/half doz, Sunny QueenNatural Grain Cage Free eggs are now available at your favouritesupermarket.
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