Thanks to Paramont here is your chance to win tickets to one of five magical movie 'Stardust' packs including:
* STARDUST double inseason pass
* STARDUST silk effect nightgown
* STARDUST boxed candle
Starring: Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro, Sienna Miller, Peter O'Toole, Ricky Gervais, Billy Whitelaw, Jason Flemyng
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Stardust takes audiences on an adventure that begins in England and ends up in a magical world. A young man named Tristan (Charlie Cox) tries to win the heart of village beauty (Sienna Miller) by promising to bring her a falling star. His journey takes him beyond the walls of his village to a mysterious and forbidden land.
Tristan soon discovers that the fallen star is not at all what he expectedbut a spirited young woman (Claire Danes) injured by her cosmic tumble. Now,she is in terrible danger - sought after by colossal powers including theKing's (Peter O'Toole) scheming sons for whom only she can secure thethrone, and a chillingly powerful witch (Michelle Pfeiffer) desperate to usethe star to achieve eternal youth and beauty.
As Tristan sets out to protect the star, his journey will bring incredibleencounters with a pirate captain (Robert De Niro) and a shady trader (RickyGervais), among other surprises. But if he can survive by his wits and thestrength of his newfound love, Tristan will also uncover the secret key tohis own identity and a fate beyond his wildest dreams.

Stardust is released in cinemas September 20 Pfeiffer Stardust & Hairspray Interview competition is now closed