With 4 million New Year's resolution vows to get fit, here is the perfect chance to put your plan into action by winning Free Classes to 'Group Fitness' at Fernwood Women's Health Club.
Start the New Year healthy. So dust off your sneakers. It's a New Year with a new goal... Let's Get Fit for Life!
Follow Fernwood Womens Health Clubs top summer tips to help motivate you to get into shape, and keep you feeling healthy all year round.
1. Set your goals: Whether youre walking for weight loss, increased fitness or relaxation, the process of choosing exercise goals helps you develop a focus for results. Write down your goals and post them somewhere youll see them every day.
2. Get a fitness program: Have a qualified personal trainer assess your fitness and design a program that you can comfortably follow for your level of fitness.
3. Eat small regular meals: To help increase your metabolism and avoid hunger.
4. Drink plenty of water: Every part of your body needs water to work properly, but water is particularly important for keeping the kidneys healthy. Dehydration (lack of water) is one of the reasons why people develop kidney stones.
5. Take time to chill-out: To avoid the everyday stresses, make time to sit quietly, read a book and enjoy your own company.
6. Eat healthy snacks: Take fresh and dried fruit and nuts to work. These foods will provide you with energy in-between meals, helping you to maintain concentration and alertness throughout the day.
7. Dont overdo it when youre sick: When the immune system is fighting a cold its better to exercise at a controlled intensity, listen to your own body, as exhaustive exercise depletes the bodys ability to fight bacteria and viruses for up to 72 hours after.
8. Plot your progress: Seeing positive gains on a chart or record form and provide hard evidence that youre making progress.
9. Mix-up routine: Reduce the risk of boredom by changing your exercise routine. You can also change the intensity of your program by choosing to go faster or slower on alternate days.
10. Reward yourself: Offer yourself an enticing reward for keeping active. A months effort could earn you a refreshing facial, massage or a new pair of shoes!

Passes are redeemable at any state (and club). Readers can log on to
www.fernwoodfitness.com.au to locate their closest club. The vouchers do not have an expiry date.
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