Comedy @ Trades kicks off its 2009 season with eight hilarious reasons why inside the 150-year-old walls of Trades Hall should be your first stop for belly aching laughs this Comedy Festival.

The Birdman is a rare bird indeed, part comedian, part magical escape artist, The Birdman with his show 1 Line will thrill you with death defying lyrical puns, Houdiniesqe conundrums and an absolute shipload of rope.

The Colors are back! The Colors Interactive Comeback Show features the New York proto seminal outfit name checked by everyone from The Stones to The Yeah Yeah Yeahs returning after years in the musical wilderness to reap the musical legacy they helped sow.

Forget Ramsey, Oliver and Nigella, Danny McGinlay is the Food Dude, the master of the post pub cook up. At 3am, armed only with a knob of butter, a tin can and a used matchstick, McGinlay shines whilst others fall asleep in the neighbours rose garden.

His name is Eric, one man on a lonely mission, The One Man Sketch Comedy Show. Much (well exactly) like the name suggests Eric cares not for large ensembles and supporting cast, just a bag full of honest to goodness sketch comedy that needs to be seen to be believed.

Suspicious minds? Phillip Escoffey in his show Six Impossible Things Before Dinner knows exactly whats on your mind. Master of the unexplained, Escoffey will make you question everything you ever thought about reading other peoples thoughts.

Do you really know what your children are watching? The Soft Toy Mafia takes you on a journey to the seedy underbelly of toddler TV, a world of drugs, has been porn stars and bizarre love triangles, what chance have the children for innocence?

Who listens to the radio? Well may you ask, but the real question here is who is running our regional radio stations? On The Wireless big business has moved in to silence the rural airwaves, watch in awe as a bunch of small time radio types dig their heals in to avoid a life working at the local abattoir.

Got some fashion skeletons in your closet? A Stitch In Time The History Of Frocking Up is a sartorially satirical look at the crimes hidden in all of our wardrobes, from satin to sequins, lame to lam this show is a must for the fashion tragics amongst us all.

Want more? Then keep in mind Comedy @ Trades is doing its bit to help us all laugh in the face of the GFC with two free shows in the Bella Union Bar. Scott Edgar (Tripod) and The Universe will put some swing into your step whilst you refresh at the bar on Thursday evenings. On Wednesday to Friday have your inner biscuit revealed as Bert and Betty Bircher sort you out with a nice cuppa.


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