Teri Garr

Teri Garr
Date of Birth:
Dec 11, 1944
Place of Birth:
Lakewood, Ohio, United States
Actress, Dancer, Singer, Comedian, Voice Artist
John O'Neil , (m. 1993; Div. 1996)
Years active:

Teri Garr - Biography Summary

Teri Ann Garr (born December 11, 1944) is an American stage, television and film actress, singer, dancer and voice artist.

She began her career as a teenager with small roles in television and film, in the early 1960s including appearances as a dancer in nine Elvis Presley musicals. She is perhaps best known for appearing in comedy films, including Young Frankenstein (1974), Mr. Mom (1983) and Tootsie (1982) which earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role Sandra "Sandy" Lester.

Her quick banter led to Garr being a regular guest on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and David Letterman's late-late night talk shows. She also appeared on television as Phoebe Abbott in three episodes of the sitcom Friends (1997–98). Garr has been largely retired from performing since 2007.

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