Little critters rejoice! These school holidays Eden Gardens, North Ryde has a range of gardening programs for young children that are fun, educational and most importantly, entertaining. If you have a young gardener in the family take them to Eden Gardens these school holidays and allow their skills to grow and grow.
Little Green Thumbs Suitable for toddlers, parents can join their little critter as they explore the fascinating world of gardens and plants. Packed with fun games, craft and gardening activities, this hour-long interactive workshop is the perfect way to introduce young ones to the green world around us.
Suitable for 3-5 year olds, children must be accompanied by an adult to attend.
Monday 15th 10 – 11am or Thursday 18th April, 10 – 11am
Cost: $12 per child
Potted plants are a great way of adding colour to the garden. In this program, kids will learn about caring for potted plants and can unleash their floral creativity by drawing their own design on a blackboard pot and planting flowering bulbs or annuals.
5 – 7 year olds: Monday 15th April, 12.30 – 2pm or Thursday 18th April 10 – 11.30am
8 – 12 year olds: Thursday 18th April, 12.30 – 2pm
Cost: $16 per child
Kids will learn to "grown their own”, by learning the skills to nurture edible plants which form the leaves for a salad, and even make their own salad dressing using fresh herbs from Eden Gardens.
5– 7 year olds: Monday 22nd April or Tuesday 23rd April, 10 – 11.30am
8 – 12 year olds: Monday 22nd April, 12.30 – 2pm
Cost: $16 per child