Forget your run-down-wrecks. For most of us, renovations start with a blank canvas. But personalising a space or adding colour and style can be daunting. Dynamic Interior Designer Shaynna Blaze knows this only too well. Most of her customer base is filled with home owners unable to commit to a style or in stalemate, unable to agree on a look. Angie and Jon live in south Sydney with their toddler Elke. They've started cautious renno's on their 50's bungalow - but are unsure how to proceed with the all important kitchen/living area. Jon likes the clean industrial look, Angie likes things cozier. Blank Canvas Guru Shaynna helps them find middle ground - she also guides and mentors them in their journey, offering practical advice and tips along the way. Shaynna understands the most successful homes - the dream homes, tick multiple boxes and it's the owners who hold the key.