
Bio-Oil® is formulated to help improve the appearance of old and new scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and dehydrated skin. Consumers tell us they also love using Bio-Oil® as an all over body moisturiser, an after shaving oil, a massage oil and it also provides great relief for sun burned skin.

Bio-Oil® has been tried and clinically proven. 95% of subjects noticed a significant improvement to the appearance of stretch marks after 2 weeks of using Bio-Oil® as directed. 66% of the subjects noticed visible improvement in scars after 2 weeks. Australian Health Care Professionals rank Bio-Oil® as their most recommended treatment for the appearance of scars.

Top 5 Myths Dispelled
Is Bio-Oil® safe to use during pregnancy? Bio-Oil® has been safely used by pregnant mothers for over 20 years helping to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, caesarean section scars, uneven skin tone and dehydrated skin.

How is Bio-Oil® non greasy unlike most other oils? Bio-Oil® is a dry oil thanks to the breakthrough ingredient, Purcellin Oil™. Nature herself provided the inspiration for the creation of Bio-Oil® Purcellin Oil™, scientists observed the grooming habits of ducks, commonly known as preening. During this grooming process, ducks secrete oil form their preen glands that helped maintain their sheen and suppleness without being sticky or greasy. A laboratory re-creation of a ducks preen gland oil was developed which became known as PurCellin Oil™.

How often do I need to use Bio-Oil®? For best results, apply Bio-Oil® twice daily after showering morning and night, massaging in soft circular motions to deliver Calendula, Lavender, Rosemary, Chamomile oils and Vitamin A and Vitamin E into the skin where they are most needed.

Why is an Oil such as Bio-Oil® more effective than a lotion or cream? Bio-Oil® is an oil based skincare product because an oil base provides an exceptionally high level of stability for vitamins and natural plant extracts. Countless testimonials and over 20 years of experience across many countries has shown that consumers, although at first skeptical about an oil based product, have soon been won over by the many benefits that Bio-Oil® provides.

Can I used Bio-Oil® on old scars or as well as new scars? Yes! Whilst no product can make a scar disappear, Australian Health Care Professionals rank Bio-Oil® as their most recommended treatment for the appearance of scars.

Bio-Oil® is available in 60mL $14.95, 125ml $24.95 and 200ml $34.95 from Priceline, Big W, Target, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles and all pharmacies nationally.
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