The fun new animated children's film Alice-Miranda Friends Forever premieres today, 2 December, on Stan. Based on the beloved children's books from Australian bestselling author, Jacqueline Harvey, it's an 80-minute treasure trove of marvellous mysteries, midnight feasts and pyjama parties.
Alice-Miranda is an extraordinary young girl, who at the age of nine and three quarters has organised her own early entry into boarding school along with her cheeky pony, Bonaparte. The Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Girls Academy is a place of friendship and fun, but also of high drama, mystery and intrigue: there's teachers and students in urgent need of help; a girl determined to be Alice-Miranda and her friends' arch enemy; Fayle School for Boys under threat; a frightening principal who doesn't want to be seen; and a scary witch in the woods.
Exclusive to Stan, also watch the bonus content featuring Alice-Miranda and her friends Millie and Jacinta prepare for the school play 'Snow White', while the new girl Sloane Sykes brings more drama than expected to Whinchesterfield-Dwonsfordvale Girls Academy.
Sure to delight fans everywhere, Alice-Miranda Friends Forever focuses on friendship, adventure, mystery, kindness, bravery and lots of ponies.
Alice-Miranda Friends Forever is an SLR Productions Picture with principal production funding from Screen Australia in association with Network Nine.
Alice-Miranda Friends Forever premieres 2 December on Stan